Entrepreneur Sitemap: Articles From November 2021 Sitemap
- MatrixDesire - ინოვაციური პროდუქტი, რომელიც ფიქრით კონკრეტული ვირტუალური მოქმედებების შესრულებაში დაგეხმარებათ
- 5 Things to Look For When Hiring a Marketing Agency
- 5 cosas a tener en cuenta al contratar una agencia de marketing
- Ready to Make a Positive Change? Invest in an Environmentally Sensitive Franchise.
- Self-Discipline: The Secret Ingredient
- Autodisciplina: el ingrediente secreto
- 4 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Jumpstart Innovation
- 4 consejos para emprendedores para impulsar la innovación
- Hundreds of FedEx Packages Were Found Dumped in a Ravine, Driver Under Investigation
- Cientos de paquetes de FedEx fueron encontrados tirados en un barranco, conductor bajo investigación
- How Boredom Can Be Great for Your Business
- Cómo el aburrimiento puede ser bueno para su negocio
- ''გეშინოდეთ თქვენი ოცნებების - ისინი შესაძლოა ერთ მშვენიერ დღეს ახდეს!''
- TasteIt - პლატფორმა, რომელიც ადამიანებს საყვარელი კერძების გარშემო აერთიანებს
- დაჯე – 30 წლიანი პაუზის შემდეგ გაცოცხლებული ეკომეგობრული ავეჯის იდეა
- Winestory.ge – გაიცანით განსაკუთრებული ისტორიის მქონე მეღვინეები და მარნები
- Death By a Million Cuts: The Small Stuff is More Disruptive Than You Think
- Muerte por un millón de cortes: las pequeñas cosas son más disruptivas de lo que cree
- Avia.ge: როგორ შევიძინოთ ავიაბილეთები იაფად
- 8 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business on LinkedIn
- Elon Musk Speaks Out on New Twitter CEO
- The Different Ways Artificial Intelligence Solves Real-World Digital Identity Challenges
- Las diferentes formas en que la inteligencia artificial resuelve los desafíos de identidad digital del mundo real
- Here's Why We Need To Humanize Content Now
- He aquí por qué necesitamos humanizar el contenido ahora
- Extended Cyber Monday Sale: Get an Apple TV Remote That Actually Makes Sense
- Extended Cyber Monday Discounts on 10 Apple Products
- I'm An Independent Musician Whose Music Has Appeared In TV, Movies, and Video Games. Here's How I Did It.
- Oferta extendida del Cyber Monday: obtenga un control remoto de Apple TV que realmente tenga sentido
- Descuentos extendidos del Cyber Monday en 10 productos de Apple
- Soy un músico independiente cuya música ha aparecido en televisión, películas y videojuegos. Así es como lo hice.
- Lululemon Hits Peloton With a Lawsuit for Its 'Knockoff' Designs
- Lululemon llega a Peloton con una demanda por sus diseños de 'imitación'
- Vegan en Vogue: Here's Why Some of the Biggest Events of the Year are Nixing Meat from Their Menus
- Vegan en Vogue: este es el motivo por el que algunos de los eventos más importantes del año están eliminando la carne de sus menús
- Stephen Colbert Ribs Jeff Bezos and His 'Penis Rocket'
- Budweiser's First NFT Collection Sells Out Within an Hour
- სად არის ყველაზე მოთხოვნადი საავადმყოფოს საწოლები?
- საავადმყოფოს საწოლების ბაზრის შესახებ
- 3 Ways to Supercharge Your Time and Be More Productive Than Ever
- Want Your Charitable Donation to Actually Help Someone? 4 Questions to Ask Before You Give
- Tres formas de potenciar su tiempo y ser más productivo que nunca
- ¿Quiere que su donación caritativa ayude realmente a alguien? 4 preguntas que debe hacer antes de donar
- 'It's Just Human Nature:' A New Book Examines Why Our Work Is Better When We Work Less
- 'Es solo la naturaleza humana': un nuevo libro examina por qué nuestro trabajo es mejor cuando trabajamos menos
- This Crypto-Fueled Internet Collective Raised More Than $40 Million to Buy a Rare Copy of the Constitution
- Este colectivo de Internet impulsado por criptomonedas recaudó más de $ 40 millones para comprar una copia excepcional de la Constitución
- Why Jim Cramer Thinks Small Business Owners Can Do More Hiring Than Firing In 2022
- Por qué Jim Cramer cree que los propietarios de pequeñas empresas pueden contratar más que despedir en 2022
- Meet the Elite Team of Superforecasters Who Have Turned Future-Gazing Into a Science
- Your Top 4 Questions About 2022, Answered By the World's Top Superforecasters
- Conozca al equipo de élite de superpronosticadores que han convertido la mirada en el futuro en una ciencia
- Sus 4 preguntas principales sobre 2022, respondidas por los mejores superpronosticadores del mundo
- 5 Things the Future Holds, According to the World's Most Elite Superforecasters
- 5 cosas que depara el futuro, según los superpronosticadores de élite más importantes del mundo
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით, საქართველომ გვადალახარასა და თესალონიკის წიგნის ბაზრობებზე პირველად მიიღო მონაწილეობა
- You Can't Do Everything. So Do the Best With What You Have.
- Forget the "New Normal." There's No Normal in Marketing.
- No puedes hacer todo. Así que haz lo mejor con lo que tienes.
- Olvídese de la "nueva normalidad". No hay nada normal en el marketing.
- The Use Of Recycled Plastics In Packaging Of Food And Drinks Needs To Be Re-Deliberated: Experts
- 6 Key Questions You Should Always Ask Before Investing in a Commercial Real-Estate Property
- 6 preguntas clave que siempre debe hacer antes de invertir en una propiedad inmobiliaria comercial
- Lumos Alternate Investment, Gruhas Proptech To Raise INR 500 Crore Realty Fund
- Why I Burned Down (And Rebuilt) My Online Business In 100 Days
- Por qué quemé (y reconstruí) mi negocio en línea en 100 días
- Shriram Group Announces Succession Plan, Forms Board of Management
- Vehicles Rental Industry Is booming With Technological Advancements
- Adda247 Raises Series B Funding
- Key Agritech Trends To Expect In 2022
- როგორ იქცა საყვარელი საქმე, მშობლიური მხარის სიმბოლოდ, - 14 წლის გიგა გვაძაბია კლუბ ''სოხუმის'' მორაგბეა
- საქართველოს ბანკმა DFC-ისგან 100 მლნ. დოლარის ინვესტიცია მოიზიდა
- All-in-one Cryptocurrency Platforms Both For Newbies and Professionals
- Users Need a Strict, Impartial and Godless Search Algorithm
- Parablu Raises $1 Million In Pre-Series A
- Veg Route Raises $125,000 In Pre-Seed Round
- How a Person From the Countryside Turned Into a Serial Entrepreneur And Investor
- Qapita Secures Partnership With Citi In Series A
- Premagic Raises INR 2 Crore In Pre-Seed Round
- 3 Crypto Games That Should Be In Every Investor's Radar
- What Does 2022 Hold For India's D2C Market?
- How You Can Get More Views on LinkedIn
- Why Greta Should Love Blockchain
- Make Your Vax, Mask and Office Decisions With Kindness and Generosity
- Tome sus decisiones de Vax, Mascarilla y Oficina con amabilidad y generosidad
- How Networking Is Necessary for Effective Entrepreneurship
- Cómo el trabajo en red es necesario para un emprendimiento eficaz
- KAUST Joins Saudi Venture Capital and Private Equity Association To Further Support Deep-Tech Startups
- To Future-Proof Healthcare, Collaboration Between The Public And Private Sectors Is Key
- Why Digital Transformation Is Important for Interior Designers
- Por qué la transformación digital es importante para los diseñadores de interiores
- ინოვაციები ინტრაპრენერებს მოაქვთ
- How Non-Stop Hustle and Grind Is Bad for Your Mind
- Cómo el ajetreo y la rutina continuos son malos para tu mente
- How Success Happened for Ariel Kaye, Founder of Parachute
- Cómo fue el éxito de Ariel Kaye, fundador de Parachute
- The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Financial Advisor
- Los pros y los contras de contratar un asesor financiero
- 8 Ways to Earn Extra Money with Cryptocurrency and NFTs for Cyber Monday
- 8 formas de ganar dinero extra con criptomonedas y NFT para el Cyber Monday
- სხვადასხვა სახის და ფუნქციონალის მქონე საავადმყოფოს საწოლები
- Commit to Lifelong Learning This Cyber Monday
- Comprometerse con el aprendizaje permanente este Cyber Monday
- 5 Ways to Get a Higher Credit-Card Limit This Holiday Season
- 5 formas de obtener un límite más alto de tarjetas de crédito en esta temporada navideña
- Why Digital Marketing Is Just Like Dating
- Por qué el marketing digital es como tener citas
- Why Making Progress Is the Most Powerful Motivator
- Por qué progresar es el motivador más poderoso
- Matthew McConaughey: Alright, Alright, Alright, I'm Not Running for Texas Governor
- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Expected to Step Down, Sources Say
- Se espera que el CEO de Twitter, Jack Dorsey, renuncie, dicen las fuentes
- Elon Musk Urges Tesla Employees to Stop Rushing Deliveries
- Elon Musk insta a los empleados de Tesla a que dejen de apresurar las entregas
- What Apple, Amazon and Kim Kardashian Can Teach You About Innovating Every Day
- Lo que Apple, Amazon y Kim Kardashian pueden enseñarte sobre innovar todos los días
- The 50 Richest People in Crypto
- 5 Strategies to Beat Imposter Syndrome: How I Built My Confidence With Practical Tactics
- 5 estrategias para vencer el síndrome del impostor: cómo construí mi confianza con tácticas prácticas
- 5 Steps to Building a Supportive and Inclusive Workplace for Neurodiverse Employees
- 5 pasos para construir un lugar de trabajo inclusivo y de apoyo para los empleados neurodiversos
- პირველი დიპლომირებული მექანიკოსები - ბექა არჩვაძის გეგმები ავტოსამყაროში
- 5 Unicorn Founders Share Key Learnings From Their Early Mistakes
- ABL Raises INR 15 Crore In Series A Round
- Savart Raises INR 4 Crore
- 21K School Raises Pre Series A Funding
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ლანჩხუთში სოციალური კაფე "ქეთოსთან" მოეწყო
- Coinstore Enters India Amid Pending Crypto Ban
- This Blockchain-based Platform Aims To Change the Way You Stream
- საქართველოს სასკოლო განათლებაში სოციალურ-ემოციური უნარების განვითარებისა და ფსიქოლოგიური კეთილდღეობის ხელშეწყობისთვის პროექტი "გავიღიმოთ" იწყება
- Jade Forest Raises $1 Million
- Speed Vs Sustainability: How Rapid Expansion Plans Might Affect Your Startup Growth
- Happy Ratio Raises $150,000 In Angel Round
- The Future Of Salestech: Here's What You Can Expect
- This Trainer Revolutionized Sports Training In 60 seconds
- Why Nurturing Local Talent Is Key To Building A Sustainable Tech Industry In The UAE
- Brinc MENA's Spring 2021 Demo Day Showcases Sustainable Tech Solutions
- How Success Happened for the Caden Sisters, CEOs and Co-Founders of Belly Bandit and Proof
- Cómo sucedió el éxito para las hermanas Caden, directores ejecutivos y cofundadores de Belly Bandit and Proof
- "ამვლელსაც აჭამე, ჩამომვლელსაც...
- ჯაზი და ბიზნესი
- საავადმყოფოს საწოლის სახლში ქონის უპირატესობები
- DataFest Tbilisi 2021 ჰიბრიდული ფორმატით ბრუნდება
- This Remote Productivity Hack Makes Working on the Go Easy
- Este truco de productividad remota facilita el trabajo sobre la marcha
- რა აკლია ქართველს?
- Travel the World on a Budget with Dollar Flight Club
- Viaja por el mundo con un presupuesto limitado con Dollar Flight Club
- Omar Kassim's Nomod Raises US$3.4 Million To Accelerate Its Goal Of Making Payments Easier
- Effective Communication In Business Needs Much More Than Language Proficiency
- PepsiCo Launches Greenhouse Accelerator In MENA To Support Startups Tackling Sustainable Packaging And Circular Economy Solutions
- კომპანიის რომელი ხარჯები შეკვეცეთ?
- წერილები ღმერთს და კორონას
- "ნებისმიერ საქმეში მთავარია მოხერხებული იყო" - ევა ლონგორია
- 3 მიზეზი, თუ რატომ უნდა დანერგოთ ლოიალობის პროგრამა
- Play the World's Greatest Golf Courses From the Comfort of Your Home
- Juegue los mejores campos de golf del mundo desde la comodidad de su hogar
- Continue Your Professional Development with 10 Courses on Sale for Black Friday
- Continúe su desarrollo profesional con 10 cursos a la venta para el Black Friday
- Ride The Wave: Musings On Entrepreneurship
- The Executive Selection: Versace
- 5 Big Mistakes Companies Make When Tackling ESG
- 5 grandes errores que las empresas cometen al abordar los ESG
- როგორ შევქმნათ ეფექტური კორპორაციული კულტურა
- გაკვეთილები, რომლებიც მილიარდები ღირს
- 8 Key Performance Indicators for PR -- What Really Matters?
- 8 indicadores clave de rendimiento para las relaciones públicas: ¿qué es lo que realmente importa?
- Maximize Marketing and Communication Strategies With the Largest Generation on the Planet
- Save Some Hard-Earned Cash With 10 Black Friday Specials for Pets
- Maximice las estrategias de marketing y comunicación con la generación más grande del planeta
- Ahorre algo de dinero en efectivo con 10 ofertas especiales del viernes negro para mascotas
- Here's One Way to Save Money When You Return to the Office
- Aquí hay una forma de ahorrar dinero cuando regrese a la oficina
- Singer and Influencer Tayler Holder Knows How to Build a Fan Base
- El cantante e influyente Tayler Holder sabe cómo crear una base de fans
- How to Increase User Empathy and Build Better Products
- Cómo aumentar la empatía del usuario y crear mejores productos
- How to Build a Team That Embodies the Voice and Mission of Your Company
- Cómo construir un equipo que personifique la voz y la misión de su empresa
- How to Maximize the Potential of Your Next Great Entrepreneurial Pivot
- Cómo maximizar el potencial de su próximo gran pivote empresarial
- Should You Simply Ignore Keywords When Writing Content for SEO?
- ¿Debería simplemente ignorar las palabras clave al escribir contenido para SEO?
- 3 Reasons Luxury Assets Are the Hottest Investment Category Among Asian Millennials
- 3 razones por las que los activos de lujo son la categoría de inversión más popular entre los millennials asiáticos
- Emails Are Back...But Where Did They Go?
- Los correos electrónicos están de vuelta ... pero ¿adónde fueron?
- How to Buy a Home in California's Ultra-Competitive Bay Area Market
- Cómo comprar una casa en el mercado ultracompetitivo del área de la bahía de California
- Why Every Entrepreneur Should Study the Austrian School of Economics
- Por qué todo emprendedor debería estudiar la Facultad de Economía de Austria
- Easily Find the Apps You Need With Setapp, the Netflix of Mac Apps
- Encuentre fácilmente las aplicaciones que necesita con Setapp, el Netflix de las aplicaciones de Mac
- Timeline: The Twists And Turns Of India's Personal Data Protection Bill
- New Study Shows Sputnik V Has 98% Efficacy In COVID-related Mortality
- How to Decode the Stock Market With Strategic Financial Training
- Five Reasons Why Increasing Emotional Intelligence Is the Key To Scaling beyond 1M
- Why the Cart Belongs Before the Horse
- How To Create Digital Signature And Electronic Signature
- Wealth Management Strategies For Budding Entrepreneurs
- Shibnobi, the Ground-breaking Meme Seeks To Revolutionize DeFi Trading
- AI-based Prognostic Tests In Breast Cancer: Why This is a Game Changer
- Can the Indian Language First Customer Please Stand Up!
- Listen Up: Jabra Elite 3
- Want to Build a Great Business? Find the Right People.
- ¿Quiere construir un gran negocio? Encuentre a las personas adecuadas.
- 5 Personal Branding Tips to Help Your Job Search
- 5 consejos de marca personal que le ayudarán en su búsqueda de empleo
- The 3 Pillars of Building a Successful Brand on Amazon
- Los 3 pilares para construir una marca exitosa en Amazon
- How to Lead Calmly and Effectively While Your Business Experiences Growth
- NFTs Are So Much More Than JPEGs
- Los NFT son mucho más que los JPEG
- 5 Reasons Why 'Offlining' Is Pivotal to Success
- Get Black Friday Pricing on Cloud Backup
- 5 razones por las que 'offlining' es fundamental para el éxito
- Obtenga precios de Black Friday en la copia de seguridad en la nube
- The Lucky 7 Steps to Channel Sales Success
- Los 7 pasos afortunados para canalizar el éxito de las ventas
- 5 Marketing Trends E-Commerce Business Owners Shouldn't Miss
- Get Inexpensive Flights, Learn a New Language, and More for Black Friday
- 5 tendencias de marketing que los propietarios de empresas de comercio electrónico no deben perderse
- Obtenga vuelos económicos, aprenda un nuevo idioma y más para el Black Friday
- 500 Georgia-ს მონაწილე სტარტაპმა - Intrro $2,2 მილიონიანი ინვესტიცია მოიზიდა
- Airtel Conducts 5G Trial In 700 MHz Band In Partnership With Nokia
- IAN Invests $1 Million In Pidge
- თიბისელები ინოვაციური იდეებით - გაიცანით სტარტაპ დეკრეტის გამარჯვებულები
- Simplifying Selling Handmade Products Online In India
- საქართველოს ბანკი საქართველოს კალათბურთის ეროვნული ფედერაციის მთავარი პარტნიორია
- Drona Pay Raises INR 3.2 Crore In Seed Round
- Do Edtech Ventures Help Students Imbibe Time Management Skills
- BTU-ს ბლოკჩეინ ლაბი კომპანია CryptX-თან პარტნიორობას და პროექტების განხორციელებას იწყებს
- Sputnik Light To Be Launched In India by December
- 3 Steps That Help Elevate Brand Experiences In Any Genre
- Xponents Raises $1.56 Million In Seed Round
- Pulling Out All The Stops: Fintech Enterprise YAP Is Aiming To Be The Leading Digital Bank In The MEA Region
- The Science Of Flourishing: The Key To Addressing Employee Burnout
- Stop Working So Hard. Differentiate Yourself Instead.
- Deja de trabajar tan duro. Diferenciese usted mismo en su lugar.
- The Top 3 Sustainable Business Practices for Entrepreneurs
- Las 3 principales prácticas comerciales sostenibles para emprendedores
- 10 Ways to Buy More Time
- Diez formas de ganar más tiempo
- Top 8 Backlink Strategies to Boost Your Traffic
- Las 8 mejores estrategias de backlinks para impulsar su tráfico
- The Future of Data Localization in a Globalized World
- El futuro de la localización de datos en un mundo globalizado
- 3 Communication Errors That Negatively Impact Women Leaders
- Chewy's Pharmacy Is Making It Easier to Keep Your Pets Healthy
- 3 errores de comunicación que impactan negativamente a las mujeres líderes
- La farmacia de Chewy hace que sea más fácil mantener saludables a sus mascotas
- The Government Is Not Immune to Account-Takeover Fraud, and That Could Be Trouble for You and Me
- El gobierno no es inmune al fraude por apropiación de cuentas, y eso podría ser un problema para usted y para mí
- Amazon Inventory Management: Solutions to Common Problems
- Amazon Inventory Management: soluciones a problemas comunes
- 3 Types of Reward Programs Every Retail Brand Should Know About
- 3 tipos de programas de recompensas que toda marca minorista debe conocer
- Is Bank or Investor Funding Right For Your Business?
- ¿Es la financiación bancaria o de inversores adecuada para su negocio?
- Navigating the Great Reshuffle: Why Your Employer Brand is Key in Recruiting Talent
- What Are the Real Consequences of a 4-Hour Workweek?
- Learn the World's Most Popular Programming Language
- ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias reales de una semana laboral de 4 horas?
- Aprenda el lenguaje de programación más popular del mundo
- Survival of the Fittest: 3 Reasons Your Subscription Business Didn't Work
- La supervivencia del más apto: 3 razones por las que su negocio de suscripción no funcionó
- How to Eliminate Imposter Syndrome Stress With One Simple Phrase, According to These First-Time Founders
- Cómo eliminar el estrés del síndrome del impostor con una frase simple, según estos fundadores por primera vez
- How to Separate the Champs From the Chumps in the Hiring Process
- Cómo separar a los campeones de los tontos en el proceso de contratación
- The Great Disruption is Here: How to Reposition Your Thinking and Teams for Growth
- La gran disrupción está aquí: cómo reposicionar su pensamiento y sus equipos para el crecimiento
- JPMorgan Chief Executive Quickly Backtracks on Joke About China's Communist Party: 'I Regret and Should Not Have Made That Comment.'
- NASA Launches Mission to Stop Killer Asteroid From Destroying Earth. Really.
- Juul to Pay $14.5 Million to Settle Arizona Vaping Lawsuit
- Juul pagará $ 14.5 millones para resolver la demanda de vapeo en Arizona
- Investment Bias: Get Rid of the Pesky Impediment to Success
- Sesgo de inversión: deshacerse del molesto impedimento para el éxito
- How This Immigrant Founder and 'Shark Tank' Star is Changing How Kids Wash Their Hands
- Cómo este inmigrante fundador y estrella de 'Shark Tank' está cambiando la forma en que los niños se lavan las manos
- 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Shape the Future of Social Media
- Top Apps and Software Entrepreneurs Can Get for Black Friday
- 5 formas en que los emprendedores pueden dar forma al futuro de las redes sociales
- Las mejores aplicaciones y software que los emprendedores pueden obtener para el Black Friday
- How To Increase Employee Responsibility — Regardless of Where You're Working
- Cómo aumentar la responsabilidad de los empleados, independientemente de dónde trabaje
- Ugaoo Raises INR 15 Crore In Pre-Series A
- CoreStack Closes $30 Million Series B Round
- Indifi Raises INR 140 Crore In Series D Round
- Park+ Raises Around $25 Million In Series B Funding
- Blume Ventures Announces First Close Of Fund IV At $105 Million
- ''მაროს სახელით'' – Avon-სა და UNFPA Georgia-ს ერთობლივი კამპანია გენდერული თანასწორობის მხარდასაჭერად
- ''ბოლო წელიწადნახევარია ოჯახთან ერთად რაჭაში გადმოვედი საცხოვრებლად'' - ნათია ლობჟანიძე
- Paytm: Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None?
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ლაგოდეხში სასტუმრო ''გალილეო'' გაიხსნა
- The 12th World Chambers Congress Kickstarts In Dubai With A Session Lauding The Emirate's Embrace Of Technology And Innovation
- Settl Raises $500,000 In Seed Round
- NoBroker Becomes First Proptech Unicorn
- Startup Spotlight: Dubai-Based Infralytiks Simplifies Data From Drone- And AI-Based Infrastructure Inspections
- What Are Backlinks and Why Do You Need Them for Your SEO?
- ¿Qué son los vínculos de retroceso y por qué los necesita para su SEO?
- Shorter Videos Are In Demand. Here's How Different Social Media Platforms Are Reacting.
- Journey Mapping Your Way to a Better Personal Brand
- Journey Mapeando su camino hacia una mejor marca personal
- Thinking of Joining the Great Resignation to Pursue Your Dream? Follow This Founder Plan.
- ¿Está pensando en unirse a la gran resignación para perseguir su sueño? Siga este plan fundador.
- How AI Is Poised to Help Humanity
- Cómo la IA está preparada para ayudar a la humanidad
- Three Small Pivots That Delivered Big Results for These Small Businesses
- Tres pequeños pivotes que brindaron grandes resultados para estas pequeñas empresas
- Ćhapidon - ცქრიალა ღვინო ''შაბიდონი'' გარიყულაში
- თუ ინსტაგრამის უკეთ ოპტიმიზაცია გინდა
- წელს საქართველო ''ოსკარზე'' ლევან კოღუაშვილის ''მეოთხე ბრაიტონს'' წარადგენს
- How a $250 Toothbrush Robot for Kids Became a Must-Have
- Cómo un robot de cepillo de dientes para niños de $ 250 se convirtió en algo imprescindible
- 3 Ways to Take Care of Your Relationships During Stressful Times
- 3 formas de cuidar sus relaciones durante tiempos estresantes
- Target Makes Historic Move With Holiday Hours
- Target hace un movimiento histórico con las horas de vacaciones
- This Meta Leader Has Interviewed More Than 300 Job Candidates. Here are Her Pro Tips to Help You Nail Your Next Job Interview.
- ''პორშე ცენტრი თბილისის'' ახალი შოურუმის მშენებლობა დაიწყო
- The Case for Hiring a Loan Expert
- El caso para contratar a un experto en préstamos
- Why Focusing on Underserved or Niche Markets Can Be a Winning Strategy
- Por qué centrarse en los mercados desatendidos o de nicho puede ser una estrategia ganadora
- Midlife Entrepreneurs Have a Lot of Life Left in Them
- A los emprendedores de mediana edad les queda mucha vida
- Michael Strahan Is Headed to Outer Space: 'I Just Want to be a Part of It'
- Brainstorm Anywhere with This Reusable Scanning Whiteboard
- Haga una lluvia de ideas en cualquier lugar con esta pizarra de escaneo reutilizable
- Is Travel Cash on Permanent Vacation?
- ¿Travel Cash está en vacaciones permanentes?
- The Best Creativity Advice We Heard in 2021
- Los mejores consejos sobre creatividad que escuchamos en 2021
- 4 Keys to Establishing Goals and Routines That Aid Entrepreneurial Success
- 4 claves para establecer metas y rutinas que ayuden al éxito empresarial
- Kevin Spacey Ordered to Pay Nearly $31 Million for Violating Harassment Policy
- Tiffany Is Selling Its Most Expensive Piece of Jewelry Yet
- Tiffany está vendiendo su pieza de joyería más cara hasta el momento
- Why Ontological Leadership Is Key to Succeeding in Business
- Por qué el liderazgo ontológico es clave para tener éxito en los negocios
- Supercharge Your SMS Marketing With This Simple Service
- Potencia tu marketing por SMS con este sencillo servicio
- Balancing Empowerment and Accountability Is Vital in Team Management
- Equilibrar el empoderamiento y la responsabilidad es vital en la gestión de equipos
- Stop Trying to Influence Your Team. Focus on This Leadership Skill Instead.
- Become an Adobe Expert and Improve Your Company's Design
- Deje de intentar influir en su equipo. En cambio, concéntrese en esta habilidad de liderazgo.
- Conviértase en un experto de Adobe y mejore el diseño de su empresa
- The Data-Driven Future of Healthcare Is Everyone's Opportunity, and Everyone's Responsibility
- El futuro de la atención médica basado en datos es una oportunidad para todos y una responsabilidad para todos
- Recordent Raises $400,000
- Almond Solutions Raises Undisclosed Amount in Seed Round
- Licious Rolls Out New ESOPs Plan
- Is SEO or PPC Better for Your Business?
- Salesken Raises $22 Million In Series B Funding
- ¿Es SEO o PPC mejor para su negocio?
- Pepperdine Graziadio Business School's Most Fundable Companies of 2021
- Will Paytm's IPO Debacle Affect Upcoming Startup IPOs?
- Emerging And Sustainable Fashion Industry In 2022
- Ever-evolving Agri Landscape Revolutionizes India's 'Atmanirbhar' Vision
- The New Normal Provides a Golden Opportunity To Drive Growth In India's Hinterland
- If Business Leaders Establish the Right Culture Now, Growth Will Follow
- Purplle Raises Additional $65 Million Series D Funding
- This NFT Got Sold For $370,000
- Startup Spotlight: Dubai-Based Works Offers A No-Code Platform To Ease The Creation Of Enterprise Software
- UAE-Based Trident Trackway Is Recycling Plastic Waste To Create Temporary Roadway Solutions
- Separating Your Marketing Team From the Others Is Limiting Your Success
- Separar a su equipo de marketing de los demás está limitando su éxito
- Labor Shortage? Depends on Who You Ask.
- ¿Escasez de mano de obra? Depende de a quién le preguntes.
- ბათუმის ბიზნესფორუმი და ბიზნესდელეგაციის ვიზიტი საქართველოში
- How to Craft the Ideal Exit of Your Business
- Cómo diseñar la salida ideal de su negocio
- The 4 Pillars of Sales Copywriting That Converts
- Los 4 pilares de la redacción publicitaria de ventas que convierte
- Video Exposes How One Famous McDonald's Sandwich is Made: 'That's a McCrime'
- El video expone cómo se hace un famoso sándwich de McDonald's: 'Eso es un McCrime'
- Keeping Customers Connected, Secure, and Mobile
- Get 75 Percent off 2 TB of Cloud Storage With pCloud's Black Friday Promo
- Obtenga un 75% de descuento en 2 TB de almacenamiento en la nube con la promoción Black Friday de pCloud
- This Award-Winning PDF Tool Can Simplify Your Business
- Esta galardonada herramienta PDF puede simplificar su negocio
- Considering Global Expansion? Now Might Be Your Best Opportunity.
- ¿Está considerando la expansión global? Ahora puede ser su mejor oportunidad.
- Elon Musk Talks Biden's IRS Expansion Plan With Colorado Representative
- Elon Musk habla sobre el plan de expansión del IRS de Biden con el representante de Colorado
- Every Entrepreneur Needs These 4 Qualities to Succeed
- Todo emprendedor necesita estas 4 cualidades para triunfar
- The Key to Staying Positive in the High-Pressure World of Entrepreneurship
- La clave para mantener una actitud positiva en el mundo de alta presión del espíritu empresarial
- Elizabeth Holmes Unexpectedly Takes the Stand to Defend Herself in Theranos Trial
- How to Use Affiliate Marketing to Level Up Your Ecommerce Strategy
- U.S. TikTok Users May Be Eligible to Receive Funds From $92 Million Settlement
- Cómo utilizar el marketing de afiliados para mejorar su estrategia de comercio electrónico
- Los usuarios de TikTok de EE. UU. Pueden ser elegibles para recibir fondos de un acuerdo de $ 92 millones
- Amazon Executives Have Been Charged as Part of a $148,000 Marijuana Smuggling Investigation, Police In India Said
- Ejecutivos de Amazon han sido acusados como parte de una investigación de contrabando de marihuana de $ 148,000, dijo la policía en India
- Should You Wait To Get A Promotion, Or Make A Lateral Move Inside Your Company?
- ¿Debe esperar para obtener una promoción o hacer un movimiento lateral dentro de su empresa?
- How I Failed Miserably As a Leader and Ultimately Improved My Company
- Cómo fracasé estrepitosamente como líder y, en última instancia, mejoré mi empresa
- პირველი დიპლომირებული ავტომექანიკოსები საქართველოში
- 3 Steps to Escape the 9-5 and Pivot for Success
- 3 pasos para escapar del 9-5 y girar hacia el éxito
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ProductTank Tbilisi გაიმართება
- Dear Brit: 'How Do You Stay Informed on Trends in Entrepreneurship?'
- Estimado británico: '¿Cómo se mantiene informado sobre las tendencias en el espíritu empresarial?'
- სოციალურ საწარმოთა ალიანსის ორგანიზებით სოციალური მეწარმეობის რიგით მეათე ფორუმი გაიმართა
- Streamline Your Workflow and More with These Mac Apps
- Michelle Pfeiffer On the Never-Ending Launch of Running a Business: 'I Kept Waiting for It To End, and I Finally Realized — Well, It's Never Going To!'
- Optimice su flujo de trabajo y más con estas aplicaciones para Mac
- Michelle Pfeiffer sobre el lanzamiento sin fin de administrar un negocio: "Seguí esperando que terminara y finalmente me di cuenta: bueno, ¡nunca terminará!"
- Libraries Then, Twitter Now — The Transformation of Scholarly Communication
- Bibliotecas entonces, Twitter ahora: la transformación de la comunicación académica
- Video OTT Trends In The Post-Pandemic World
- Homversity Raises $155,000
- Zvolv Raises $1.5 Million
- Altum Credo Raises INR 88 Crore
- ჰავი ლოგისტიკისა და მაკდონალდს საქართველოს ინვესტიციით თბილისში მზის ელექტროპანელების სისტემა დამონტაჟდა
- Fasal Raises $4 Million In Pre-Series A Round
- This Meme Platform Is Replenished With Famous People
- EarnHub Set To Launch On 23 November, Allowing Users To Stake Their Tokens And Earn Passive Rewards Through Staking With No Locks Or Fees
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით TEDxYouth@Tbilisi-ი გაიმართა
- Paytm Investors' Agony Continues As Shares Plunge Further
- Sleepy Owl Raises $6.5 Million In Series A Round
- თიბისის ბიზნეს ინტერნეტბანკი მსოფლიოში საუკეთესოა
- Academia And Industry Must Come Together To Ensure Future-Ready Risk Education
- GetSetUp Raises $10 Million
- What It Takes To Build a Successful Business, Without Physical Office Space
- How Saudi Arabia's TAQADAM Is Powering A New Cohort Of Global Founders
- 5 წარმატებული ანტრეპრენერი, რომლებიც დედებმა შთააგონეს
- 3 კრიტიკული კომპონენტი, რომელიც ბევრად გააუმჯობესებს თქვენს კორპორაციულ კულტურას
- This Robot Vacuum and Mop Is So Efficient It Even Cleans Itself, and It's $150 Off
- Este robot aspirador y trapeador es tan eficiente que incluso se limpia solo, y tiene un descuento de $ 150
- ''ბაგანა'' - ატარე შენი პატარა ყველგან, მარტივად და მოხერხებულად
- Become a Computer Scientist in Your Spare Time
- Conviértete en informático en tu tiempo libre
- Stop Snoring and Start Sleeping with This Pre-Black Friday Doorbuster Deal
- Deje de roncar y comience a dormir con esta oferta de Doorbuster antes del Black Friday
- The School Of Greatness Author Lewis Howes On What To Expect From His Talk At The 2021 Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival
- Global Ventures General Partner Noor Sweid On Preparing Their Portfolio Of Startups For Growth In 2022
- US-Based Tech Startup Ennoventure Helps UAE Brands Authenticate And Verify Product Packaging
- Mastercard and Female Fusion Network's Workshop Series At Expo 2020 Dubai Fosters Inclusivity In Tech
- Unpacking the Disruptors of Retail
- Desembalaje de los disruptores del comercio minorista
- How to Find the Right Programmers: A Brief Guideline for Startup Founders
- Cómo encontrar los programadores adecuados: una breve guía para los fundadores de empresas emergentes
- 10 Steps to Future Proofing Your Personal Brand for 2022
- Diez pasos para mejorar su marca personal en el futuro para 2022
- Want to Be a Professional Dynamo? It Starts With Getting Your Health in Order.
- ¿Quieres ser un dínamo profesional? Comienza con poner su salud en orden.
- 10 Doorbuster Deals on Software for Entrepreneurs
- 10 ofertas de Doorbuster en software para emprendedores
- Effectively Manage Your iOS Data with This Manager
- Administre eficazmente sus datos de iOS con este administrador
- წარმატების მისაღწევად საჭირო 5 უნარი 21-ე საუკუნეში
- მარკ ზაქერბერგი თავის ქალიშვილს პროგრამირებას 3 წლიდან ასწავლის
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით Product Tank Tbilisi გაიმართება
- ოთარ ტერტერაშვილი - 21 წლის ზერტელი ბიჭის გზა მსოფლიოს ერთ-ერთი წამყვანი საკონსულტაციო კომპანიის პროგრამისტობამდე
- Want to Make Some Extra Money on Your Extra Space? Neighbor Makes It Simple.
- ¿Quiere ganar algo de dinero extra en su espacio adicional? El vecino lo hace simple.
- How to Fight the Effects of a Sleep-Deprived Brain
- 5 Tips for Building a Successful Multicultural Company
- 5 consejos para construir una empresa multicultural exitosa
- SpaceX Starship Sets First Launch for January
- 3 Changes You Should Expect To See in Transportation in 2022
- How to Incorporate Incredible Travel Into Your Entrepreneurial Lifestyle
- Cómo incorporar viajes increíbles a su estilo de vida empresarial
- Need Access to Fast Capital? Consider a Merchant Cash Advance.
- Become Your Business's IT Expert with This CompTIA Bundle
- ¿Necesita acceso a Fast Capital? Considere un anticipo en efectivo para comerciantes.
- Conviértase en el experto en TI de su empresa con este paquete de CompTIA
- 6 Key Roles to Build an Efficient Marketing Team
- 6 roles clave para construir un equipo de marketing eficiente
- The Global Deck of Talent Is Reshuffling
- La baraja global del talento se está reorganizando
- Sweetgreen Stock Jumps More Than 75% in Market Debut
- Las acciones de Sweetgreen saltan más del 75% en su debut en el mercado
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით სოფელ ნატახტარში ''ფუდ ალიანსის'' საწარმო გაიხსნა
- There are No Shortcuts to Strengthening the Economy. It's a Long Game.
- Instagram Rolls Out New 'Rage Shake' Feature and the Option to Delete an Image From a Carousel
- No hay atajos para fortalecer la economía. Es un juego largo.
- ორბელიანის მოედანზე, თიბისის მხარდაჭერით, ''ბაზარი ორბელიანზე'' სატესტო რეჟიმში გაიხსნა
- 5 Revenue Streams Music Professionals Often Neglect
- 5 fuentes de ingresos que los profesionales de la música suelen descuidar
- თიბისის პარტნიორობით Harvard Business Review-ს ახალი წიგნები გამოიცა
- The Promise of Stem Cells to Help Children with Autism
- La promesa de las células madre para ayudar a los niños con autismo
- Top 10 Changes Your Business Needs to Be Ready for in 2022
- Los 10 cambios principales para los que su empresa debe estar preparada en 2022
- You Can Launch a Profitable Side Hustle on Amazon
- Puede lanzar un ajetreo lateral rentable en Amazon
- How You Can Leverage the Power of a Franchise Network
- Cómo puede aprovechar el poder de una red de franquicias
- ''მოვამზადებ ბავშვებს'' - მეცხრეკლასელ გიორგი ჭანტურიას საინტერესო წამოწყება
- A Look At The Changing Men's Grooming Industry On International Men's Day
- Financial Literacy is Not Taught in Schools: Here's How It Can Be Learned
- La educación financiera no se enseña en las escuelas: así es como se puede aprender
- Mindhouse Raises $6 Million In Seed Round
- Women Entrepreneurship Day: 5 Leading Women Entrepreneurs In India
- After Thirty Years of 'Nothing But Success'… This Entrepreneur Takes On a New Challenge
- Meta Cryptos Surge Off the Back of Facebook's Name Change to "Meta"
- What CEOs Did While WFHing
- Global Finance-მა საქართველოს ბანკი მსოფლიოში საუკეთესოდ 3 კატეგორიაში დაასახელა
- Amitabh Kant: The Man of Action
- Startup Spotlight: UAE-Based Social Enterprise Aurora50's Accelerator Program Encourages Greater Country-Wide Boardroom Gender Diversity
- How to Take Marie Kondo's Approach for Workflows and Processes
- Cómo adoptar el enfoque de Marie Kondo para flujos de trabajo y procesos
- Dr. Goods-ის ქართული სამედიცინო მასალა ევროპის 6 ქვეყანაში შევა
- Text Your Way to Higher Success in the Healthcare Field
- Envíe un mensaje de texto a su camino hacia un mayor éxito en el campo de la atención médica
- The 10 Best Job Search Sites
- Los 10 mejores sitios de búsqueda de empleo
- ახალი ''ლიბერთის'' კორპორაციული საბანკო მომსახურება- ბიზნესპოტენციალის რეალიზების ახალი შესაძლებლობა
- საქართველოს ბანკის პარტნიორობა პლატფორმა ''სუპერგმირთან'' წარმატებით გრძელდება
- How Apple and Uber Create Messages That Don't Feel Phony-Baloney
- Cómo Apple y Uber crean mensajes que no se sienten como una tontería
- საიტის შემქმნელების უპირატესობები მცირე ბიზნესის მფლობელებისთვის
- This No-Code Platform Just Closed a $55.5 Million Round B
- How Virtual Care Can Close Healthcare Disparities
- Cómo la atención virtual puede cerrar las disparidades en la atención médica
- How to Apply Warren Buffett's Investment Approach to Real Estate
- Cómo aplicar el enfoque de inversión de Warren Buffett a los bienes raíces
- Starbucks, Amazon Go Open Store in New York
- If You Want to Keep Your Best Talent From Quitting, Don't Make One of These Mistakes.
- Si desea evitar que su mejor talento renuncie, no cometa uno de estos errores.
- TikTok Works to Address Hoaxes, Dangerous Challenges
- Investment Deals Are at Historic Levels. Want to Be Part of It? Be Ready to Answer These 4 Questions.
- Los acuerdos de inversión se encuentran en niveles históricos. ¿Quieres ser parte de ella? Esté preparado para responder estas 4 preguntas.
- The Importance of Communication
- La importancia de la comunicación
- Host Your Websites for Life for One Low Price
- Aloje sus sitios web de por vida por un precio bajo
- 4 Ways to Begin Investing in Yourself
- 4 formas de comenzar a invertir en ti mismo
- Bill Gates Says Covid-19 Deaths Could Fall to Seasonal Flu Levels by Next Year
- 'What a Pleasant Surprise to Brighten My Morning': Starbucks Is Giving Out Freebies Today, and Customers Are Ecstatic
- 'Qué sorpresa más agradable para alegrar mi mañana': Starbucks está regalando regalos hoy y los clientes están extasiados
- Jeff Bezos' $500,000 Charity Gala Donation Elicits Cheers… And A Groan?
- The New Way to Retire: Start a Digital Business
- La nueva forma de jubilarse: iniciar un negocio digital
- Real Estate Is Way Behind in Tech. Here's Why and How to Fix It.
- El sector inmobiliario está muy por detrás en tecnología. He aquí por qué y cómo solucionarlo.
- The 5 Most Lucrative Ecommerce-Startup Categories for 2021
- Las 5 categorías de inicio de comercio electrónico más lucrativas para 2021
- 6 Ways Small Businesses Can Win With Big Corporations
- 6 maneras en que las pequeñas empresas pueden ganar con las grandes corporaciones
- Upgrade Your Webcam with This Seamless Background Adjuster
- Unlocking the True Potential of the Metaverse
- Actualice su cámara web con este ajustador de fondo impecable
- Desbloqueando el verdadero potencial del metaverso
- Inzpira Raises INR 2.3 Crore In Seed Round
- Defy Raises $5.5 Million In Seed Funding
- 3 Ways to Help Employees Combat Burnout and Create More Balance
- Why Selena Gomez Is Cofounding a Mental Health Media Company With Her Mom Mandy Teefey and Newsletter Whiz Daniella Pierson: "Once I Understood What Was Happening In My Mind, I Gained a Sense of Purpose"
- Por qué Selena Gomez es cofundadora de una empresa de medios de salud mental con su madre Mandy Teefey y la maga de los boletines Daniella Pierson: "Una vez que comprendí lo que estaba pasando en mi mente, adquirí un sentido de propósito"
- Tres formas de ayudar a los empleados a combatir el agotamiento y crear más equilibrio
- Travel-tech Entrepreneurs Share Travel Trends In The New-Normal
- Foodlink Raises $8 Million In Series B Funding
- საქართველოს მცირე და საშუალო მეწარმეებისთვის BTU ტრენინგებს იწყებს
- Paytm Shares Crash 26% on Debut: What Went Wrong?
- Etisalat Group Acquires Dubai-Based E-Grocery Platform elGrocer To Bolster Its Digital Services Portfolio
- Digital Transformation In the Age Of Omni-Channel Retailing
- Disprz Raises $13 Million In Series B Funding
- French Football Player Paul Pogba Enters the NFT Market
- GCC-Based Doctor Booking Platform Meddy Gets Acquired By Nigeria-Based Healthtech Startup Helium Health
- Making Mindfulness Work For You: The How-To
- What Is Next for Telehealth?
- ¿Qué sigue para telesalud?
- მარცხი — ნაბიჯი ბიზნელიდერობისკენ: ქალების გამოცდილება Fuckup Nights-ზე
- Get Travel Rewards Fast with the World of Hyatt Business Credit Card
- Amazon Will No Longer Accept Visa Credit Cards in One Major Country
- Amazon ya no aceptará tarjetas de crédito Visa en un país importante
- autoElement - 3 ''შარქის'' დაინტერესება და ჯამურად მოზიდული 230 000 ლარი
- მიკრო და მცირე მეწარმეთა ხელშეწყობის პროგრამა, ანუ როგორ ვაქციოთ ანტრეპრენერული ოცნებები რეალობად
- Millions of People Use This Easy to Guess Password. Do You?
- Millones de personas usan esta contraseña fácil de adivinar. ¿Vos si?
- How to Build Trust With EB-5 Investors
- This SaaS Founder Sold His Business to Oracle for $9.3 Billion
- Cómo generar confianza con inversores EB-5
- Entrepreneurs Should Embrace Web 3.0
- Los emprendedores deberían adoptar la Web 3.0
- Miramax Sues Tarantino for 'Pulp Fiction' NFT Plan
- 5 Overlooked Business Outcomes of PR for Fast-Growing Companies
- 5 resultados comerciales de las relaciones públicas que se pasan por alto para las empresas de rápido crecimiento
- I Interviewed Instagram's 'Money Queen,' But We Didn't Discuss Money At All
- Beyond Corporate Metrics: How to Build Client Satisfaction From the Ground Up
- Entrevisté a 'Money Queen' de Instagram, pero no hablamos sobre dinero en absoluto
- Más allá de las métricas corporativas: cómo generar la satisfacción del cliente desde cero
- Get Lifetime Access to Two Top Online Learning Resources
- Obtenga acceso de por vida a los dos principales recursos de aprendizaje en línea
- U.S. to Sell Seized Cryptocurrency Worth $56 Million
- Estados Unidos venderá criptomonedas incautadas por valor de $ 56 millones
- This Is Why It Pays to Be Charitable Year Round
- Por eso vale la pena ser caritativo durante todo el año
- WATCH: Man Captures Video of Bear Eating KFC in His House
- MIRAR: Hombre captura video de oso comiendo KFC en su casa
- Diversity and Technology Have the Power to Boost Business Revenues
- La diversidad y la tecnología tienen el poder de impulsar los ingresos comerciales
- Reese's Thanksgiving Pie, Its Largest Peanut Butter Cup Ever, Sells Out in Hours
- El pastel de Acción de Gracias de Reese, su taza de mantequilla de maní más grande, se vende en horas
- 10 Ways to Build and Boost Your Confidence
- Diez formas de desarrollar y aumentar su confianza
- Bye Bye Staples Center. LeBron and The Lakers Will Soon Play in the Crypto.com Arena.
- Adiós Staples Center. LeBron y los Lakers pronto jugarán en Crypto.com Arena.
- 7 Lasting Lessons I Learned from Steve Jobs, 10 Years After His Passing
- 7 lecciones duraderas que aprendí de Steve Jobs, 10 años después de su fallecimiento
- Make 2022 the Year You Finally Learn to Code
- Challenges In Symptom Recognition & Diagnosis Can Impact Outcome In Patients: Abbott
- Haga de 2022 el año en que finalmente aprenda a codificar
- Pataa Raises $2.5 Million In Seed Funding
- NFTs Will Soon Be Unavoidable. That's a Good Thing.
- These Founders Started Their Company With a $300 Investment. They've Now Done $1 Million in Profits.
- Los NFT pronto serán inevitables. Eso es bueno.
- რა არის ხელოვნური ინტელექტი და რატომ ლაპარაკობს ყველა მასზე?
- OneRare Raises $2 Million In Funding Round
- SalaryBox Raises $4 Million in Seed Round
- Boingg Raises INR 2.2 Crore In Seed Round
- K&L Wellness Technology Raises INR 30 Crore
- How Universa Blockchain Is Tokenizing the Islamic Enterprise and Governments
- Velocity Raises $20 Million In Series A Funding
- Mensa Brands Turns Unicorn Within Six Months
- This Is How Cryptocurrency Is Regulated Across The World
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ''თბილისი - წიგნის მსოფლიო დედაქალაქი'' გალაკტიონ ტაბიძის საიუბილეო კვირეულს გამართავს
- ''კერნელმა'' GITA-სგან 525 000 ლარიანი გრანტი მიიღო
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ''ვერონამ'' ახალი შოურუმი მოაწყო
- თიბისი გუნდის 500 ახალ წევრს ეძებს
- GoKwik Raises INR 112 crore in Series A Round
- Can a Mobile Chatbot Level Up Your Business?
- Why is digital a must-have for new-age Indian entrepreneurs
- India's leading Business coach guiding the Next-Gen Entrepreneurs
- ShowReel: Hotmail Co-founder Sabeer Bhatia's Latest Venture
- Want to Stay Innovative Post-Pandemic? Try Serendipitous Idea Generation.
- ¿Quiere seguir siendo innovador después de una pandemia? Pruebe la generación de ideas fortuitas.
- Self-Drive Mobility Company Ekar Is Reinventing How People In The MENA Region Access Transportation
- The Need For Digitization In The GCC's Cosmetics Treatments Industry
- What Conscious, Millennial Consumers Really Want, and How to Give It to Them
- Lo que realmente quieren los consumidores millennials conscientes y cómo dárselo
- What VCs Look for in a Startup Investment
- Lo que buscan los capitalistas de riesgo en una inversión inicial
- 3 Outside-the-Box Ideas for Your Email Newsletter
- 3 ideas innovadoras para su boletín informativo por correo electrónico
- The 6 Essential In-Store Experiences That Your Customers Want to See
- Las 6 experiencias esenciales en la tienda que sus clientes quieren ver
- Valuable Tips for Nailing Your Startup's Funding Announcement
- Consejos valiosos para concretar el anuncio de financiación de su startup
- რა სახის მნიშვნელოვანი პროექტები განახორციელა USAID-ის პროექტმა ''ზრდა საქართველოში'' 5 წლის განმავლობაში
- ბათუმის ფერები ბრიტანული ავტოგიგანტის ფერთა გამაში
- 5 Ways to Give a Virtual Presentation That Blows People Away
- 5 formas de hacer una presentación virtual que sorprenda a la gente
- 17 Wendy's Employees Leave on the Spot by Taping Sign to Drive-Thru: 'We Quit'
- 17 Los empleados de Wendy's se van en el acto grabando el letrero en Drive-Thru: 'We Quit'
- This Digital Campaign Celebrates the Fast-Growing Workforce of Web Creators
- Want to Know The Best Place to Find a New Employee?
- ¿Quiere saber cuál es el mejor lugar para encontrar un nuevo empleado?
- Michelle Beadle Is Back In the Big Time, and This Time It's On Her Terms
- Michelle Beadle está de regreso en el gran momento, y esta vez es en sus términos
- Another Distributor Recalls Onions Over Salmonella Concerns
- Otro distribuidor retira cebollas por preocupaciones sobre la salmonela
- Bitcoin Falls Amid Chinese Mining Crackdown
- Bitcoin cae en medio de la represión minera china
- Maybe We Should Embrace Inflation
- How to Grow Your Business With Intention
- Quizás deberíamos abrazar la inflación
- Cómo hacer crecer su negocio con intención
- ERTSYD - მეწარმეობა სოფლის ტურიზმში შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობის მქონე ახალგაზრდებისთვის
- How Growing Up in a Communist Country Made Me the Leader I Am
- Get an Early Black Friday Deal on This Portable Monitor
- Cómo crecer en un país comunista me convirtió en el líder que soy
- Obtenga una oferta anticipada del Black Friday en este monitor portátil
- სოფელ კოდისწყაროში, ადმინისტრაციული გამყოფი ხაზის მიმდებარედ, მეორადი საავტომობილო ზეთების გადამამუშავებელი საწარმო გაიხსნა
- Bringing in That First Sale, Partnership or Investment: A Guide for Startups
- Incorporar esa primera venta, asociación o inversión: una guía para empresas emergentes
- The UN Gave Elon Musk a $6.6 Billion Plan for Him to Personally Solve World Hunger. Will He Bite?
- 19 Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
- Elon Musk Sells Additional $931 Million of Tesla Stock
- 19 consejos para los aspirantes a emprendedores
- Elon Musk vende $ 931 millones adicionales en acciones de Tesla
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით DataFest Tbilisi-ის ონლაინ შეხვედრა ''ღია ბანკინგი და უსაფრთხოება'' გაიმართება
- How to Be Seen as an Expert in Anything
- Cómo ser visto como un experto en cualquier cosa
- New Investor Show 'Going Public' Makes a Splash on 'Good Morning America'
- El nuevo programa para inversores 'Going Public' hace un chapoteo en 'Good Morning America'
- This Free Service Makes It Easy to Find the Right Loan for Your Small Business
- Este servicio gratuito facilita la búsqueda del préstamo adecuado para su pequeña empresa
- Should You Work for Money or Love?
- Upgrade Your Office Lighting with These Doorbuster Deals
- ¿Debería trabajar por dinero o por amor?
- Actualice la iluminación de su oficina con estas ofertas de Doorbuster
- How To Proactively Protect Your Intellectual Property Online
- Cómo proteger proactivamente su propiedad intelectual en línea
- თიბისიმ განახლებული დეველოპერების პორტალი გაუშვა
- ''საქართველოს ბანკისა'' და ''TBSC Consulting''-ის მხარდაჭერით ჰარვარდის ბიზნეს სკოლის ქეისების კონკურსი იწყება
- Marine Robotics Startup Planys Raises Additional Pre-Series A Funding
- Can You Scale a Startup Without Venture Investment?
- This Founder Just Launched a Company That's Giving Tea a Much-Needed Makeover for the 21st Century: 'Tea Is for Entrepreneurs. Coffee Is Corporate America's Drink.'
- Este fundador acaba de lanzar una empresa que le está dando al té un cambio de imagen muy necesario para el siglo XXI: 'El té es para emprendedores. El café es la bebida de las empresas estadounidenses ".
- ¿Puede escalar una startup sin una inversión de riesgo?
- Top 50 Best Undergrad Programs for Entrepreneurs in 2022
- Top 50 Best Graduate Programs for Entrepreneurs in 2022
- Clinikk Raises $4 Million In Pre-Series A Round
- Wonderchef Raises INR 150 Crore
- GENLEAP Raises INR 60 Crore In Seed Round
- Ula Secures an Additional $23.1 Million In Series B Funding
- ''ფაზი'' – განავითარე გონება თამაშით
- GuardianLink Raises $12 Million in Series A Funding
- O2O Marketplace OhLocal Secures Pre-Seed Funding
- What's Driving Investor Interest In Crypto Startups Despite Regulatory Swings
- BTU-ს პროფესორი გაეროს ევროპის ეკონომიკური კომისიის კომიტეტში თავმჯდომარის მოადგილედ აირჩიეს
- თბილისში ''სილიკონ ველის'' ინვესტორების ტრენინგი ''როგორ მოვემზადოთ ვენჩურული კაპიტალის მოსაზიდად'' ჩატარდა
- Dubai To Host 12th World Chambers Congress With A Focus On Technology And Digital Disruption
- Dubai-Based Evakind Is Championing Sustainability On Its E-Commerce Marketplace
- Facebook იძირება, ანუ რა ბედი ელის ''ინფლუენსერ მარკეტინგს''?
- ილონ მასკსა და ბერნი სანდერსს შორის ''ჭარბი სიმდიდრის'' თემაზე Twitter-კონფლიქტი გაჩაღდა
- Why I Started Wearing the Same Outfit Every Day
- Por qué comencé a usar el mismo atuendo todos los días
- ''ორიენტ ლოჯიკი'' ქართული ტექნოლოგიური ინდუსტრიის სათავეებთან
- The Rise of SaaS: New Syllabus for Digital Gig Entrepreneurs
- Catapult VC საქართველოში $50 მილიონიანი ფონდით შემოვიდა
- მაკდონალდს საქართველოს Fred L. Turner Golden Arch Award-ის პრესტიჟული ჯილდო გადაეცა
- Singularity Is Fast Approaching, and It Will Happen First in the Metaverse
- La singularidad se acerca rápidamente y sucederá primero en el metaverso
- You Must Mail Your Packages By This Date If You Want Them To Arrive By Christmas
- Debe enviar sus paquetes antes de esta fecha si desea que lleguen antes de Navidad
- Compounding Inequality to Compounding Success: Bridging the Racial Wealth Gap
- Agravar la desigualdad para agravar el éxito: Reducir la brecha de riqueza racial
- Tesla Places Starlink Antennas at Supercharger Stations
- Tesla coloca antenas Starlink en estaciones de sobrealimentación
- Apple Offers $30 Million to Settle Bag-Search Suit
- Apple ofrece $ 30 millones para resolver la demanda de búsqueda de equipaje
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- Your Network Is Your Secret Weapon
- Tu red es tu arma secreta
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- 4 cosas que aprendí de la 'búsqueda del significado del hombre' de Viktor Frankl
- Try Not to Cry After Watching McDonald's New Holiday Ad
- Trate de no llorar después de ver el nuevo anuncio navideño de McDonald's
- 6 Ways a Startup Can Surpass Entrenched Brands
- Learning a New Language Can Help You in Business
- 6 formas en que una startup puede superar a las marcas arraigadas
- Aprender un nuevo idioma puede ayudarlo en los negocios
- დეზინფორმაციის აღმოჩენისა და მონიტორინგის ონლაინ ხელსაწყოები მეწარმეობის კვირეულის ფარგლებში მომხარებლებმა გატესტეს
- Can't Rush a Good Thing: Effective Franchise Digital Marketing Takes Time
- San Francisco Walgreens Forced to Close Over 'Severe Rat Infestation'
- San Francisco Walgreens obligado a cerrar por 'infestación severa de ratas'
- Elon Musk Slams Bernie Sanders on Twitter: 'I Forgot You Were Still Alive'
- Elon Musk critica a Bernie Sanders en Twitter: 'Olvidé que aún estabas vivo'
- Is Your Personality Driving People Away? The 5 Traits That Can Tank Your Business
- ¿Su personalidad está alejando a la gente? Los 5 rasgos que pueden arruinar su negocio
- Why Success Makes No Sense Until You Embrace Your Failures
- Por qué el éxito no tiene sentido hasta que aceptas tus fracasos
- Learn Something New While Protecting Your Internet Connection
- Aprenda algo nuevo mientras protege su conexión a Internet
- How to Make Charitable Giving a Winning Business Strategy
- Cómo hacer de las donaciones benéficas una estrategia empresarial ganadora
- ფიზიკაში გასაოცარი აღმოჩენების შესახებ კონფერენცია და პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა
- JITO Angel Network Invests in NanoSniff
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით სილიკონის ველის წამყვანმა ინვესტორებმა თბილისში ვენჩურული კაპიტალის მასტერკლასს უმასპინძლეს
- ივენთი: Google Workspace როგორც მომავლის სამუშაო გარემო და კულტურა
- The COVID Pandemic Strengthened the Importance Of Providing Financial Services To the Financially Underserved
- Knocksense Raises Bridge Round Worth $150,000
- Inspiration From Vernacular Architectures For a Warming World
- The Recap: Asyad Global Logistics Challenge Spotlights Entrepreneurs Solving Issues In The Global Logistics Industry
- Empowering The Next Generation Of Innovators: UAE Ministry Of Finance's Chief Innovation Officer Fatima Al Naqbi On The Mohammed Bin Rashid Innovation Fund
- Taking Your Online Brand to the International Stage Is Easier Than You Think
- Llevar su marca online a la escena internacional es más fácil de lo que piensa
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- Estrategias pospandémicas: elegir entre liderar desde el frente y liderar desde atrás
- The Confusion Between Coaching and Mentoring: Which Is Which?
- La confusión entre coaching y mentoring: ¿cuál es cuál?
- How Happiness Technology Is Affecting Our Everyday Lives
- Cómo la tecnología de la felicidad está afectando nuestra vida cotidiana
- 5 Success Tips From My Entrepreneurship Journey
- 5 consejos de éxito de mi viaje empresarial
- Create Sustainable Wealth by Better Understanding Your Investment Portfolio
- Cree riqueza sostenible mediante una mejor comprensión de su cartera de inversiones
- Empowering over 10 Million Creator-preneurs
- Learn How You Can Build Passive Wealth with Cryptocurrency
- Descubra cómo puede generar riqueza pasiva con criptomonedas
- The Recap: The Impact Investment Panel Co-Hosted By Baraka, VentureSouq, and StartAD
- UAE-Headquartered Business Setup Advisory Firm Creative Zone Sets Up A Base In Qatar
- 5 Sales and Marketing SaaS Solutions That Will Empower Franchise Owners
- როგორ ღუპავს სტარტაპს ზედმეტი დაფინანსება
- The 4 Things You Need to Do to Get (and Keep) Ecommerce Customers
- Las 4 cosas que debe hacer para obtener (y conservar) clientes de comercio electrónico
- Debunking 3 Common Misconceptions Around Domains
- Desacreditando 3 conceptos erróneos comunes en torno a los dominios
- How One Difficult Business Decision During Covid-19 Reflects the Importance of Company Culture
- Cómo una decisión empresarial difícil durante Covid-19 refleja la importancia de la cultura empresarial
- გიორგი ბოლქვაძე - ქართული სპირტიანი სასმლის წარმოების პიონერი
- სუპერდრაი ყოველთვიურად 30 მილიონ პლასტმასის ბოთლს გადაამუშავებს
- Pre-Seed Funding სტუდენტური სტარტაპების დასაფინანსებლად - BTU-ს ახალი ინიციატივა
- Get These Apple Accessories at Black Friday Prices
- How to Help Protect Your Identity by Utilizing Next-Level Security Over Your Credit Report
- Cómo ayudar a proteger su identidad utilizando seguridad de nivel superior en su informe crediticio
- Improve Your Leadership Skills as Your Company Grows
- Mejore sus habilidades de liderazgo a medida que crece su empresa
- როგორ შეუძლია ტექნოლოგიას განავითაროს შენი უძრავი ქონების ბიზნესი?
- The Executive Selection: Kross Studio x Star Wars
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- Principales señales de un lugar de trabajo tóxico y cómo lidiar
- Why the Rich Need to Stop Worrying About Being Taxed
- Por qué los ricos deben dejar de preocuparse por los impuestos
- Learning How to Speak IT's Language, One Course At a Time
- Aprender a hablar el idioma de TI, un curso a la vez
- Self-Publishing or Traditional Publishing: Which Is Best for You?
- Autoedición o publicación tradicional: ¿cuál es la mejor para usted?
- Which Is the Better Job Board, ZipRecruiter or Indeed?
- ¿Cuál es la mejor bolsa de trabajo, ZipRecruiter o Indeed?
- Here's the Secret to Reducing Employee Turnover and Cutting Costs
- Aquí está el secreto para reducir la rotación de empleados y recortar costos
- AMC Begins Accepting Crypto
- AMC comienza a aceptar cripto
- How the Keto Diet Can Feed Entrepreneurship and Creativity
- Cómo la dieta cetogénica puede alimentar el espíritu empresarial y la creatividad
- Johnson & Johnson Will Split Into 2 Companies
- Johnson & Johnson se dividirá en dos empresas
- Fans Can Now Order Taylor Swift's Favorite Starbucks Drink
- Los fanáticos ahora pueden pedir la bebida favorita de Starbucks de Taylor Swift
- Decentralized Education Will Reshape Learning and the Global Economy
- La educación descentralizada remodelará el aprendizaje y la economía global
- How to Find the Right Mentor: Insights From an Immigrant Entrepreneur
- Cómo encontrar el mentor adecuado: ideas de un emprendedor inmigrante
- 5 Elon Musk-Approved Gifts for Entrepreneurs With Billionaire Aspirations
- 5 obsequios aprobados por Elon Musk para emprendedores con aspiraciones multimillonarias
- Take Your Video Campaign to the Next Level: A Starter Guide
- Lleve su campaña de video al siguiente nivel: una guía para principiantes
- Elon Musk Responds to Tesla Competitor's Stellar IPO
- Lawsuit Over Subway Tuna Now Alleges the Meat Contains Chicken, Pork and Cattle DNA
- Demanda sobre el atún de Subway ahora alega que la carne contiene ADN de pollo, cerdo y ganado
- Obstacles Are Opportunities: Use Them to Take Your Business to the Next Level
- Start a Freelance Writing Side Hustle or Business Today
- Los obstáculos son oportunidades: utilícelos para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel
- Comience hoy mismo un negocio o un negocio independiente de escritura independiente
- We Nearly Lost Everything, but Not Our Best Employees
- Casi lo perdimos todo, pero no a nuestros mejores empleados
- 8 Fantastic Ways to Make Your Resume Stand Out
- 8 formas fantásticas de hacer que su currículum se destaque
- საქართველოს ბანკმა დამწყები ბიზნესების მხარდასაჭერად ახალი პროდუქტი შექმნა
- Best Practices for SaaS Copywriting
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- 3 Cold-Email-Marketing Tips to Get More Clients Fast
- 3 consejos de marketing por correo electrónico en frío para conseguir más clientes rápidamente
- 6 Steps All Startups Must Take to Sustain Business Growth
- Keep Your Dog Happy with a Heated Mattress for Pre-Black Friday Sale
- Seis pasos que todas las empresas emergentes deben seguir para mantener el crecimiento empresarial
- Mantenga feliz a su perro con un colchón calefactable para la venta antes del Black Friday
- Droom Files IPO Papers With SEBI To Raise INR 3,000 Cr
- Liloshop.ge - ყველაზე მსხვილი B2B ონლაინ-მაღაზია საქართველოში
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ''ფაბრიკა 1900'' საწარმოო ხაზს ოთხჯერ გაზრდის
- 3 Metaverse Cryptos You Should Buy As the World Of Decentralised Virtual Reality Starts To Boom
- ასე მარტივი არასდროს ყოფილა - ინოვაციების სამყარო ''ევროკრედიტი''
- Tech Transformer
- ალტე უნივერსიტეტი - საერთაშორისო მასშტაბის პოტენციალის მქონე ახალი ბრენდი ქართულ საგანმანათლებლო სივრცეში
- The Ergonomics Maestro
- Watch Out: Apple Watch 7
- Great Leadership Lessons for Tough Times From Disney CEO Bob Iger's Memoir
- Grandes lecciones de liderazgo para tiempos difíciles de la memoria del CEO de Disney, Bob Iger
- 3 Signs It's Time to Transform Your Business
- Tap into a Larger World With American Sign Language
- Trust Stamp Is Seeking Investors for What May Be the Answer to Identity Theft
- 3 señales de que es hora de transformar su negocio
- Aproveche un mundo más grande con el lenguaje de señas estadounidense
- Trust Stamp está buscando inversores para lo que podría ser la respuesta al robo de identidad
- This Device Can Help You Breathe Easier in Minutes a Day
- Este dispositivo puede ayudarlo a respirar mejor en minutos al día
- Zen and the Art of Entrepreneurship
- Zen y el arte del espíritu empresarial
- Remote Work Is Here to Stay. It's Time to Update the Way You Lead.
- El trabajo remoto llegó para quedarse. Es hora de actualizar la forma en que lidera.
- 3 Ways to Repurpose Existing Podcast Content for Maximum Audience Building and Business Growth
- Tres formas de reutilizar el contenido de podcasts existente para lograr el máximo crecimiento de la audiencia y el negocio
- The No.1 Nootropic Every Entrepreneur Should Take
- Pre-Black Friday Sale: Exercise While You Work with This Under Desk Bike
- Rebajas previas al Black Friday: haz ejercicio mientras trabajas con esta bicicleta debajo del escritorio
- Twitter Creates Crypto Team
- AMC CEO Defends Selling Shares
- El CEO de AMC defiende la venta de acciones
- 4 Reasons Why You Should Always be Hiring for Your Business
- 4 razones por las que siempre debería contratar personal para su empresa
- Shocking Footage Shows Woman Throwing Hot Soup At Fast-Food Employee: 'My Eyes Were Burning, My Nose Was Bleeding'
- After 2 Failed Businesses, This Founder Saw the Value in Junk and Built a 260-Unit Franchise Fueled by Veterans
- Después de 2 negocios fallidos, este fundador vio el valor de la basura y construyó una franquicia de 260 unidades impulsada por veteranos
- American Airlines Pilots Union Rejects Bonus Pay Aimed at Fixing Understaffing Problems
- American Airlines Pilots Union rechaza el pago de bonificaciones destinado a solucionar problemas de falta de personal
- Elon Musk Sells $5 Billion in Tesla Stock
- Elon Musk vende $ 5 mil millones en acciones de Tesla
- How to Restructure Your Organization with DEI at the Forefront
- Cómo reestructurar su organización con DEI a la vanguardia
- 3 Strategies to Help Tech Startups Add Veterans to Their Workforces
- How to Expertly Position Your Business for an Exit
- Tres estrategias para ayudar a las nuevas empresas tecnológicas a agregar veteranos a sus fuerzas laborales
- Cómo posicionar su negocio de manera experta para una salida
- 6 უმდიდრესი ადამიანი კაცობრიობის ისტორიაში
- Bad Data: The $3 Trillion-Per-Year Problem That's Actually Solvable
- Datos erróneos: el problema de $ 3 billones por año que en realidad tiene solución
- The Power of Having Core Values
- El poder de tener valores fundamentales
- 3 Marketing Dos and Don'ts for Maximizing Profit on a Bootstrapped Budget
- 3 pros y contras de marketing para maximizar las ganancias con un presupuesto limitado
- 10 Reasons Why You Need a Business Coach
- 10 razones por las que necesita un asesor empresarial
- Why Digitizing the Supply Chain Will Be the Next Global Technology Movement
- Por qué la digitalización de la cadena de suministro será el próximo movimiento tecnológico global
- The Future of Content Lies in Transparent and Digital Publishing
- El futuro del contenido radica en la publicación transparente y digital
- Get a $25 Restaurant.com Certificate for Just $4.25
- The Best Fundraising Advice We Heard in 2021
- Los mejores consejos de recaudación de fondos que escuchamos en 2021
- Vayana Network Raises INR 283 Crore in Series C Round
- India's EV Race Begins Again; After Ola, Bounce To Launch Electric Scooter
- How Fintech Companies Are Changing the Idea Of Credit In India
- Global finance-მა თიბისის პერსონალური საბანკო მომსახურება საუკეთესოდ აღიარა
- Lysto Raises $3 Million In Seed Funding
- How New Entrepreneurs Can Save Money Easily
- Cómo los nuevos emprendedores pueden ahorrar dinero fácilmente
- Helping Veterans While Earning Rewards
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ინტელექტუალურ-გასართობი თამაში, ''კითხვა პასუხია'' გაიმართება
- D2C Wellness Champ
- Indian Cloud Kitchen Startup Rebel Foods Gains Unicorn Status With A US$175 Million Funding Round Led By Qatar Investment Authority
- Why Low-Code Platforms Are the Developer Shortage Solution People Aren't Talking About
- Por qué las plataformas de código bajo son la solución para la escasez de desarrolladores de la que la gente no habla
- It's All In The Genes: Genomic-Tech Company NoorDX Is Addressing The Lack Of Localized Genomic Testing In Saudi Arabia
- How Employees Can Crush Remote Work and How Employers Can Help Them
- Cómo los empleados pueden aplastar el trabajo remoto y cómo los empleadores pueden ayudarlos
- Addressing the Stress of Uncertainty
- Abordar el estrés de la incertidumbre
- 4 Ways to Get Qualified Cold-Calling Leads
- 4 formas de obtener clientes potenciales calificados para llamadas en frío
- What 'Squid Game' Can Teach Us About Conversational Entertainment
- Lo que 'Squid Game' puede enseñarnos sobre el entretenimiento conversacional
- Why a Wider Net is Now Needed to Find the Right Software Engineer
- Por qué ahora se necesita una red más amplia para encontrar el ingeniero de software adecuado
- Why Outsourcing to a Nearshore Software Development Company Might Be the Right Move
- Por qué la subcontratación a una empresa de desarrollo de software local podría ser la decisión correcta
- ''სილიკონ ველის'' წამყვანი ინვესტორების ტრენინგზე დასასწრებად, სტარტაპების რეგისტრაცია იწყება
- How Small Brands and Entrepreneurs Can Navigate the New Era of Digital Retail
- Cómo las pequeñas marcas y los emprendedores pueden navegar por la nueva era del comercio minorista digital
- Here's How to Invest in the Robotic Chefs That Are Ready to Take Over the Fast Food Game
- Aquí le mostramos cómo invertir en los chefs robóticos que están listos para hacerse cargo del juego de la comida rápida
- Heinz Just Revealed It Made Ketchup With Tomatoes That Can Be Grown on Mars
- Heinz acaba de revelar que hizo salsa de tomate con tomates que se pueden cultivar en Marte
- 3 Signs That Outsourcing a Business Function Will Be More Efficient Than Keeping It In-House
- 3 señales de que subcontratar una función comercial será más eficiente que mantenerla internamente
- Can't Get Motivated to Write? Take Some Inspiration from the Writing Routines and Rituals of Famous Artists.
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- Los 5 tipos de crecimiento empresarial más esenciales para el éxito
- 4 Ways to Be an Effective Leader and Drive Growth
- Get a Discount on This Documentary Streaming Service During Our Pre-Black Friday Sale
- 4 formas de ser un líder eficaz e impulsar el crecimiento
- Obtenga un descuento en este servicio de transmisión de documentales durante nuestra oferta previa al viernes negro
- How Agility and Resiliency Help Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Succeed
- Cómo la agilidad y la resiliencia ayudan a las pequeñas y medianas empresas a tener éxito
- 4 Ways to Significantly Reduce the Cost of Obtaining New Patents and Managing IP
- Cuatro formas de reducir significativamente el costo de obtener nuevas patentes y administrar la propiedad intelectual
- United Airlines to Halt Flights to 11 U.S. Cities
- United Airlines a detener vuelos a 11 ciudades de EE. UU.
- Elon Musk's Fortune Drops $50 Billion in Two Days
- Longtime NBC News Anchor Brian Williams Announces Plans to Leave the Network After 28 Years
- Brian Williams, presentador de noticias de NBC desde hace mucho tiempo, anuncia planes para dejar la cadena después de 28 años
- Prince Harry Says He Warned Twitter CEO About the Possibility of a Coup the Day Before Capitol Riot
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- Cómo este fundador está dando cabida a la moda modesta: 'No necesitas cambiar quién eres para encajar'
- ინოვაციური ბიზნესპროექტები მწვანე მიმართულებით
- Why Empathy Is a Crucial Entrepreneurial Skill (and How to Develop Yours)
- Por qué la empatía es una habilidad empresarial crucial (y cómo desarrollar la suya)
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- Los 3 componentes del éxito en un plan de SEO holístico
- A Healthy Approach to Hiring That Actually Works
- Un enfoque saludable para la contratación que realmente funciona
- VC მასტერკლასი ''სილიკონის ველის'' წამყვანი ინვესტორებისგან
- Xpand Raises $ 1.5 Million In Pre-Series A Funding
- CapGrid Raises INR 4.1 Crore Seed Funding
- How Young Entrepreneurs Can Succeed: "Grow 1% Every Day"
- Cómo pueden triunfar los jóvenes emprendedores: "Crece un 1% todos los días"
- Life Quest Clubs Raises Undisclosed Funding From GetVantage
- საქართველოს პირველ არხზე ''შარქ თენქ საქართველოს'' გენერალური პარტნიორი საქართველოს ბანკია
- From Certification To Mindset, How Upskilling Startups Face Multiple Challenges
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- 5 lecciones que hemos aprendido al liderar una organización híbrida durante 8 años
- Learn How to Protect your Business and Others From Cyber Attacks
- Aprenda a proteger su empresa y a otras personas de los ataques cibernéticos
- Watch the 60-Second Pitch That Landed a $500,000 Investment
- Prodo Raises Pre-Seed Funding Of INR 3 Crore
- Mosaic Wellness Raises $24 Million In Series A Funding
- Codevidhya Raises Undisclosed Seed Funding
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- კრედო ბანკმა ფინკა ბანკთან ინტეგრაციის პროცესი წარმატებით დაასრულა
- Meet a Visionary Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur
- Why Mexico Needs to Be on the Radar for Tech Companies
- Eyes On The Prize: Lal Bhatia, Chairman, Hilshaw Group
- Want To Give Your Employees An Extra Treat For All That They Have Done Through 2021? Here's How To Make It Count
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- ¿Centrarse en una cosa o diversificar?
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- Cómo aprender cualquier cosa en 4 pasos con la técnica Feynman
- How to Build Brand Loyalty Through Augmented Reality
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- გამოფენის ''სიცოცხლე და სიკვდილი - დიდებული პომპეი'' დახურვა და ნოემბრის ნომრის პრეზენტაცია
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- ¿Podría su empresa beneficiarse de la formación en medios?
- Why This CEO Believes Entrepreneurship Is as Important to Learn as Geometry
- 3 Ways to Get Back on Track for Business Growth and Financial Freedom
- Tres formas de retomar el rumbo del crecimiento empresarial y la libertad financiera
- Elon Musk's Brother, Kimbal Musk, Sells Tesla Stock Before Elon Musk Sinks Shares
- El hermano de Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk, vende acciones de Tesla antes de que Elon Musk hunda acciones
- Data in 4 Flavors, and the Demise of the Cookie
- Datos en 4 sabores y la desaparición de la cookie
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- Learn How Much More Microsoft Office Can Do
- Tres formas de encontrar nuevos clientes después de la pandemia
- La única salida es a través: cómo sobrevivir a una reacción violenta contra su empresa
- Descubra cuánto más puede hacer Microsoft Office
- One Company Drops Aaron Rodgers, Another Stands By Him
- GE to Break Up Into Three Companies
- GE se dividirá en tres empresas
- Jeff Bezos Goes After Leonardo DiCaprio Over Video With Bezos' Girlfriend: 'Come Over Here'
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- Securing Employees' Digital Lives Amid Growing Online Risks
- Asegurar la vida digital de los empleados en medio de los crecientes riesgos en línea
- Good Glamm Group Enters Unicorn Club
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- Why a Foldable Phone is Perfect for Empowering Your Team
- Feeding Your Ego Won't Help Your Business Grow
- Alimentar su ego no ayudará a que su negocio crezca
- Here's What Investors Consider When Valuing a Startup
- ნიკაკოის მომავლის მუსიკა და ''ვოლვო ქარ საქართველოს'' დამუხტვადი ჰიბრიდი
- How to Actually Be Your Most Positive Self
- Cómo ser realmente tu yo más positivo
- The Global Economics-მა თიბისი უზბეკეთი წლის საუკეთესო ციფრულ ბანკად დაასახელა
- 5 Essential Things to Know Before Opening a Business
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- CloudFiles Raises INR 2.36 Crore In Pre-Seed Funding
- BrightChamps Raises $63 Million
- Leap India Raises INR 104 Crore From CDC Group
- ''ბილიკის'' წარმატებული ვიზიტი ვარშავაში
- "The Value Licious Has Created For Stakeholders Is Directly Reflected in Its Valuation"
- კრწანისის ტყე-პარკში Post Europe-ის ეგიდით შექმნილი საფოსტო მარკის პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა
- Measuring Life's Purpose By the Number Of People Benefiting
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- "I Believe In Equal Leaders Feeling Empowered To Make the Right Decisions"
- H2O.ai Closes $100 Million in Series E Funding Led by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- META - ამ სახელით ამერიკაში უკვე წელიწადზე მეტია არსებობს კომპანია
- The Rise Of Anti-hustle Culture
- This Crypto Entrepreneur Plans To Disrupt the Cross-border Payments Industry
- Why Business Values and Culture Must Remain Constants as You Grow
- Dusting Away Challenges: KAUST-Based Talon Dust Control Is Looking To Become A Market Leader In Its Field In Saudi Arabia
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- Cómo promocionarse en las redes sociales en 4 pasos
- How Zillow Closing Its Home-Flipping Division Will Cause Long-Term Brand Damage
- Cómo el cierre de Zillow de su división Home-Flipping causará daños a la marca a largo plazo
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- La anatomía de un canal de ventas: la clave del crecimiento
- 10 Ways to Maximize Your Sales Team's Performance
- Diez formas de maximizar el rendimiento de su equipo de ventas
- Elon Musk Sinks Tesla Shares With Contentious Twitter Poll
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- ¿El mundo se está volviendo demasiado cínico para los influyentes de las redes sociales?
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- ¿Debería comprar una propiedad de inversión ahora o esperar un colapso?
- Bitcoin Trades 7% Higher
- Bitcoin cotiza un 7% más alto
- 5 Steps for Creating a Lean, Mean Growth Machine
- Berkshire Hathaway Reports 18% Gain in Operating Profit, With Its Cash Pile at Record $149 Billion
- Astronaut Wang Yaping Becomes First Chinese Woman to Walk in Space
- 5 pasos para crear una máquina de crecimiento media y ajustada
- Berkshire Hathaway reporta un aumento del 18% en las ganancias operativas, con su pila de efectivo en un récord de $ 149 mil millones
- Travis Scott Vows to Help Families of Dead Victims as Astroworld Catastrophe as Lawsuits Loom
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- Get an Online Introduction to Data Analysis With This Pre-Black Friday Sale
- ¿Qué significa realmente "buen negocio"?
- Obtenga una introducción en línea al análisis de datos con esta oferta previa al Black Friday
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- Una estrategia de marketing de Facebook simplificada: cómo conseguir clientes online
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- Cómo una mente sana mejorará sus resultados
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- ¿Necesita un MBA para tener éxito en los negocios?
- The Right (and Wrong) Way to Be Influenced by Data
- La forma correcta (e incorrecta) de dejarse influir por los datos
- CBD - ინგრედიენტი, რომელმაც სილამაზის ინდუსტრიის ბაზარი დაიპყრო
- Blow Off Steam From Work with This Nostalgic Gaming Console
- Déjate llevar por el trabajo con esta nostálgica consola de juegos
- საქართველოს სამეწარმეო განათლების ალიანსი ადგილობრივ და საერთაშორისო სპიკერებთან ერთად მასშტაბურ კონფერენციას მართავს
- სტარტაპ კურსი — პრაქტიკული რჩევები შენი ბიზნესისთვის
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით Europcar Georgia ახალ სერვისს ნერგავს
- Creating Value From Intellectual Property Rights
- ''Miami Ad School Europe იყო ჩემი 5 წლიანი ოცნება, რომელიც დღეს რეალობად მექცა''
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- Focusing On Being a Market Leader
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- Los títulos de trabajos salvajes y extravagantes del futuro
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- Vea cómo aprender Python puede ayudarlo a convertirse en un experto en datos
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- Empiece un ajetreo lateral con la ayuda de Kim Perell de Entrepreneur
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- ¿Cómo se comparan sus hábitos alimentarios con los de Warren Buffett, Elon Musk y Bill Gates? Estos son los alimentos favoritos de los multimillonarios para picar
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- Entrepreneurship, Community, And Confronting The Fear Of Failure
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- Real-Estate Investing Is About to Get a Gen Z Makeover
- La inversión inmobiliaria está a punto de obtener un cambio de imagen de la generación Z
- Lead With Emotional Courage
- Lidere con valor emocional
- How to Talk to Your Leader About Personal Issues and Ask for an Accommodation
- Cómo hablar con su líder sobre problemas personales y solicitar una adaptación
- Why Soft Skills Are a Necessity in the Nearshore Industry
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- La demanda de talento tecnológico obliga a los líderes de TI a ajustar las estrategias de contratación
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- 7 errores costosos que cometen los emprendedores todos los días
- Grab These Gifts Early to Avoid Supply Chain Delays
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- Aprenda a construir el backend de un sitio web
- Meet the Real-me
- The Executive Selection: Brunello Cucinelli
- The Executive Selection: Paul Smith
- Stop Chasing Trends
- Deja de perseguir tendencias
- 3 Secret Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Rewards Program
- 3 razones secretas por las que su marca necesita un programa de recompensas
- How To Start a Digital Marketing Agency and Secrets for Success
- 10 secretos para construir una agencia de marketing digital exitosa
- ''ლიბერთის'' პირადი საბანკო მომსახურების სათავეში
- Trouble Hiring? It's Time to Invest in Your Workplace Culture.
- ¿Problemas para contratar? Es hora de invertir en la cultura de su lugar de trabajo.
- How I Grew My Business 100x During the Pandemic
- 5 Thoughtful Ways to Thank Your Team This Holiday Season
- How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything
- Cómo haces una cosa es cómo haces todo
- Graduates of Top Startup Programs Are More Likely to Succeed
- Los graduados de los mejores programas de inicio tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito
- The #VetDayPledge: A Simple, No-Cost PR Opportunity for Any Business
- El #VetDayPledge: una oportunidad de relaciones públicas simple y sin costo para cualquier negocio
- What the Evolution of Contactless Payments Means for You
- Qué significa para usted la evolución de los pagos sin contacto
- Customer Service Is the New Upsell
- El servicio al cliente es la nueva mejora de las ventas
- Tiny House in Wealthy Boston Suburb Sells for $315,000
- This 5,000-Year-Old Chinese Board Game Can Help Your Business Make Millions
- Este juego de mesa chino de 5000 años puede ayudar a su empresa a ganar millones
- Remote, Office or Hybrid? How To Ensure Your Decision Is Right for the Long Term
- Starting a Private Label Side Hustle on Amazon Can be Easy with This Bundle
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- Comenzar un ajetreo lateral de marca privada en Amazon puede ser fácil con este paquete
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- People Are Going Back to Gyms, Peloton Shares Plummet 33%
- 5 conclusiones de una semana en la aplicación Wisdom
- Innovation is an Incremental Process. Here are 3 Ways to Reach Your Big Idea.
- La innovación es un proceso incremental. Aquí hay 3 formas de alcanzar su gran idea.
- Meta Plans Physical Stores to Showcase Its Virtual- and Augmented-Reality Devices
- If You Have a Hard Time Saying 'No' at Work, Try This
- Si tiene dificultades para decir 'no' en el trabajo, intente esto
- How Inflation Will Impact Your Holidays, and What You Can Do About It
- Cómo afectará la inflación a sus vacaciones y qué puede hacer al respecto
- Ecommerce Is the New Normal. Here's What That Means for Entrepreneurs
- El comercio electrónico es la nueva normalidad. Esto es lo que eso significa para los emprendedores
- American Girl Dolls, Risk, Sand Make It to Toy Hall of Fame
- Are You Making These 3 Expensive Shipping Mistakes?
- Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' Gets Mixed Reviews
- La 'conducción autónoma completa' de Tesla recibe críticas mixtas
- Scammers Make Off With $500,000 in Phished Crypto
- Los estafadores se hacen con $ 500,000 en criptomonedas phishing
- Surfing the World Showed Kelly Slater How Delicate Nature Is. Now He's Working With Outerknown CEO Mark Walker to Reach Full Circularity by 2030.
- Navegar por el mundo le mostró a Kelly Slater lo delicada que es la naturaleza. Ahora está trabajando con el CEO de Outerknown, Mark Walker, para alcanzar la circularidad total para 2030.
- SOLO სხვადასხვა დარგის ცნობილ პროფესიონალებთან One to One-ის ფორმატში ინდივიდუალური შეხვედრების სერიას იწყებს
- 4 Suggestions to Improve Convenience for Consumers
- Organize Your Life in One Place with This App
- 4 sugerencias para mejorar la comodidad de los consumidores
- Organice su vida en un solo lugar con esta aplicación
- იუნესკომ წიგნის მსოფლიო დედაქალაქების ერთიანი ქსელი შექმნა
- თიბისიმ საქართველოში საუკეთესო პერსონალური საბანკო მომსახურებისთვის The Banker-ისა და PWM-ს ჯილდო მიიღო
- This Untapped Sector Became This Startup's Business Model
- Turning Challenges Into Opportunities
- Mental Health Support Is a Big Personal Learning: GCPL CEO
- Account-Based Marketing is the Magic Wand of B2B Marketing
- Be Heard: Shure MV7
- El marketing basado en cuentas es la varita mágica del marketing B2B
- The Executive Selection: L'Couture
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- 3 formas de utilizar un asistente virtual para aumentar su presencia en línea (y sus ventas)
- Cómo implementar la inclusión y la diversidad en su organización
- How Automation Can Change the Face of Your Martech Stack
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- Is Social Media Really That Important for Your Business?
- ¿Son las redes sociales realmente tan importantes para su negocio?
- Malcolm Gladwell's Classic Book Contains Timeless Lessons for Success
- El libro clásico de Malcolm Gladwell contiene lecciones atemporales para el éxito
- შრომა, ხედვა, მიზანი
- Oh, Rats! Popeyes Forced to Shut Down After Viral Video of Rodent Infestation.
- ¡Oh, ratas! Popeyes obligado a cerrar después de un video viral de infestación de roedores.
- თიბისი კონცეპტი მარჯანიშვილის 7-ში, თანამედროვე ხელოვნების გამოფენას: - ''ციფრული მკვიდრები'' მასპინძლობს
- Why Entrepreneurs Call Ohio Home
- What's Behind Facebook's Rebranding? It Depends Who You Ask.
- ¿Qué hay detrás del cambio de marca de Facebook? Depende de a quién le preguntes.
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- Cómo cambiar el estado de su visa mientras visita los EE. UU. Y permanecer en el país legalmente
- How this Healthcare Entrepreneur is Disrupting the Fertility Space
- With Industrious, Get Flexible Office Space and Pay Only for the Days You Need
- Con Industrious, obtenga un espacio de oficina flexible y pague solo los días que necesita
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- Cómo desarrollar un gran sitio web comercial
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- La niebla de la guerra en la prestación de atención al paciente y lo que se está haciendo para eliminarla
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- Los perros hacen todo mejor, incluido su negocio
- Taking Advantage of Going Virtual
- Aprovechando la virtualización
- Shiba Inu Plunges 14% in 24 Hours After Funds Moved From $5 Billion Wallet
- Don't Let Doubts Absorb Your Organization — Use Them to Grow as a Leader
- No permita que las dudas absorban a su organización: utilícelas para crecer como líder
- How to Build a Spiritual Practice for Major Business Growth
- Cómo construir una práctica espiritual para el crecimiento empresarial importante
- Spark Efficient Project Management With These 3 Steps
- Become Your Company's Cybersecurity Expert
- Genere una gestión de proyectos eficiente con estos 3 pasos
- Conviértase en el experto en ciberseguridad de su empresa
- Your 'Growing Pains' Might Be Warning Signs. Here's How to Turn Them Around.
- Sus 'dolores de crecimiento' pueden ser señales de advertencia. Aquí le mostramos cómo darles la vuelta.
- ბიზნესდაჯილდოება 2021-ის ფინალისტები უკვე ცნობილია
- საქართველოს ბანკის ახალი PLUS ბარათი გაუმჯობესებული პირობებით
- თიბისი ბანკმა, თიბისი კაპიტალის დახმარებით, 75 მილიონი დოლარის დამატებითი პირველადი კაპიტალის ევროობლიგაციები განათავსა
- This Startup Is Reversing The Backlog Of Surgical Work
- Spearheading Digital Transformation
- Journey To Saas-Y Salesforce
- Driving Impact: How KAUST Innovation Ventures Is Spurring The Growth Of Saudi Arabia's Startup Ecosystem
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- Cómo una industria me hizo millonario
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- ¿Las tarifas del servicio del comerciante están consumiendo sus ganancias? Aquí hay 7 consejos para minimizarlos.
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- Cómo este emprendedor ayuda a los artistas emergentes a construir negocios sostenibles
- თიბისის ტექ. პოდკასტის მესამე ეპიზოდი ფინანსური ტექნოლოგიების განვითარებას მიმოიხილავს
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- Family Heritage brinda la receta para el éxito en Nirvana Soul Coffee en San José
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- Capital EB-5 directo: una valiosa oportunidad para los líderes empresariales
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- Después de Covid, el gobierno federal debe seguir comprometido con ayudar a las empresas
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- Por qué Facebook está cerrando su sistema de reconocimiento facial
- The Great Resignation is a Chance to Get Serious About Diversity
- La gran resignación es una oportunidad para tomarse en serio la diversidad
- SpaceX Astronauts Will Not Have Working Toilet on Flight Home
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- La FTC otorga a los conductores de Amazon más de $ 60 millones en propinas retenidas
- Jeff Bezos Pledges $2 Billion to Battle Climate Change After Flying to Conference on Private Jet
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- 8 consejos que ayudarán a que su narración funcione
- This Is How Overfunding Can Kill Your Startup
- Así es como el exceso de fondos puede acabar con su startup
- Eng. Abdulrahman Al Hatmi, Group CEO, Asyad Group, On His Oman-Based Enterprise's Quest To Secure The Future Of Logistics
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- 3 componentes críticos que mejoran drásticamente la cultura de la empresa
- The Future Storyteller of Our World Is You
- El futuro narrador de nuestro mundo eres tú
- Learn Advanced Excel Skills to Power Your Business
- Aprenda habilidades avanzadas de Excel para impulsar su negocio
- Can a Sex-Enhancement Product Score a $100K Deal in 60 Seconds?
- საქართველოს ბანკის მხარდაჭერით ხელნაკეთი სათამაშოების მაღაზიამ ახალი ფილიალი გახსნა
- პირველი ქართული ოპერა - ''დარეჯან ცბიერის'' ახალი სიცოცხლე
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- თბილისში სალომბარდე ქსელის, ''ვალუტოს'' კიდევ ერთი ფილიალი გაიხსნა
- გზა მცირე ბაზარზე მენეჯერობიდან, ოთხი ქვეყნის სერვისის მიმართულების ხელმძღვანელობამდე
- Rocking the Big Screen
- To Be Heard and To be Admired
- California-Based Kanari AI's Arabic Speech Technology Solution Is Looking To Tackle The Communication Challenges Posed By Different Dialects
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- Cómo optimizar su agencia para la era post-Covid
- სინგულარი მსოფლიოს უდიდესი ონლაინგეიმინგ ბრენდის ნაწილი ხდება
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- 5 casillas para verificar antes de expandir su franquicia fuera de los EE. UU.
- When the World Goes Dark, Will Your Business Keep the Lights On?
- Cuando el mundo se oscurezca, ¿su empresa mantendrá las luces encendidas?
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- Por qué debería realizar una búsqueda rápida de patentabilidad por su cuenta antes de recurrir a los expertos
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- Tesla retira del mercado casi 12.000 vehículos estadounidenses
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- TravelHacker es como un agente de viajes inteligente que siempre está activo
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- Burger King y Robinhood se unen para regalar más de 2 millones de monedas de criptomonedas
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- De rescatar la universidad a ser multimillonario: 5 lecciones empresariales de la cofundadora de Canva, Melanie Perkins
- This App Helps You Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
- Esta aplicación te ayuda a superar tu miedo a hablar en público
- ილონ მასკი მსოფლიოში პირველი ადამიანია, რომლის ქონებამაც 300-მილიარდიან ნიშნულს გადააჭარბა
- საქართველოს ბანკი ოროზმანის ექსპედიციის გენერალური პარტნიორია
- 3 Ways I Grew My Franchise Fast
- ბეზოსი გლაზგოში გამართულ გაეროს კლიმატური ცვლილების კონფერენციაზე კერძო თვითმფრინავით ჩაფრინდა
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- Ruptok Fintech Pvt. Ltd. Raises INR 16 Cr Pre-Series A Round
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- When Next-Generation Caregivers Meet New Technology
- Cuando los cuidadores de la próxima generación se encuentran con la nueva tecnología
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- Accesibilidad (o falta de ella) en el mercado inmobiliario actual
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- A Car Tent for Aspiring Digital Nomads
- Redefiniendo 'Boss Lady': las cofundadoras son la próxima evolución de las emprendedoras
- Una tienda de campaña para los aspirantes a nómadas digitales
- American Airlines Has Cancelled More Than 2,000 Flights Since Friday
- American Airlines ha cancelado más de 2.000 vuelos desde el viernes
- Barclays CEO Jes Staley Steps Down After Epstein Investigation
- Jes Staley, director ejecutivo de Barclays, dimite tras la investigación de Epstein
- SpaceX Crew-3 Launch Pushed Back
- Lanzamiento de SpaceX Crew-3 empujado hacia atrás
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- Astronomers May Have Located a Planet Outside of Our Galaxy for the First Time
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- თიბისის გაეროს გლობალური შეთანხმების საქართველოს ქსელის ჯილდო გადაეცა
- ნიკა გუჯეჯიანის სახელობის სტიპენდიის ახალი გამარჯვებული 26 წლის ლიკა კეშელავაა
- Our 20 Team Members Span 5 Continents. Here's How We Get Things Done As A 100% Remote Company
- Nuestros 20 miembros del equipo abarcan 5 continentes. Así es como hacemos las cosas como una empresa 100% remota
- When This 22-Year-Old Graduated From MIT, He Thought He'd Be a Software Engineer. Instead, He Launched a Company That's Shaking Up the College-Admissions Game.
- Cuando este joven de 22 años se graduó del MIT, pensó que sería ingeniero de software. En cambio, lanzó una empresa que está revolucionando el juego de las admisiones universitarias.
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- Ésta es la razón por la que debería comenzar a establecer metas 'poco realistas'
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- 5 clichés de liderazgo y cómo deberían reinventarse para el líder moderno
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- How to Launch an E-Commerce Brand
- Cómo una idea en la que nadie creía condujo a 8 millones de camisas y 88 tiendas para el fenómeno minorista UNTUCKit
- Cómo lanzar una marca de comercio electrónico
- 'Wowing' Users Since 2010
- How Leaders Can Inspire Better Teamwork While Working Remotely
- სტარტაპი CityPay.io პირველია, რომელმაც 500 000 $ ინვესტიცია კრიპტოვალუტაში აიღო
- Neobank Fi Secures $50 Mn Series B Funding
- The Hosteller Raises $1 Mn Pre-Series A Round
- This InsureTech Is Building Long-term Relations
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- Customer Intelligence: Solutions For Better Customer Service
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- RavenDex Has Released the Cardano DEX Front Demo Which Features a Modern UI/UX, Kicks Off $RAVE Token Pre-Sale
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- A New Generation Of Royal Oak Offshore Premieres In 43mm
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- du Partners With Dubai Electricity and Water Authority To Provide New 5G Use Case For Smart Grids
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- Catching Up On Climate Change? There's Still Time To Do It Right.
- ¿Ponerse al día con el cambio climático? Todavía hay tiempo para hacerlo bien.
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- 5 formas de desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo remoto
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- 4 cosas a considerar al elegir el mejor país asiático para la expansión comercial