Amanda Breen: Page 3

Entrepreneur Staff
Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and received an MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts.

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Latest: Page 3


This Retirement Trend Is Helping People Ease 'Financial Anxieties' and Avoid 'Loss of Purpose,' Workplace Expert Says

Taking a nontraditional approach to retirement comes with several advantages.

Side Hustle

This Former Ph.D. Student Started a Side Hustle to Graduate Without Debt — Now He Makes $30,000 a Month and Can Complete a Job in 15 Minutes

Sina Omosowon, founder of TV-mounting business Shine, turned down job offers post-graduation to be his own boss.


Apple siempre ha mantenido en secreto el desarrollo de sus productos, pero nuevos registros revelan su enfoque hacia los vehículos autónomos

El gigante tecnológico dio el salto más grande entre las empresas que prueban vehículos automatizados en California.


3 Hacks That Can Help You Get High-Quality Matches on Dating Apps, According to the Lead Engineer Behind a Very Exclusive One

Amanda Bradford, founder, CEO and lead engineer of selective dating app The League, knows what goes on behind the scenes — and how to land the dates you want.

Business News

Apple Is Secretive About Product Development — But New Records Expose Its Approach to Autonomous Vehicles

The tech giant made the biggest leap among companies testing automated vehicles in California.

Business News

A Beloved 130-Year-Old Small Business in California Is Seeking a New Owner — and It Won't Sell to the Highest Bidder: 'Everybody's Talking About It'

Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena, a cherished cultural hub since 1894, is looking for someone to guide it into the future.