Murali Nethi: Page 3

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO & Founder

Murali K. Nethi is the founder and CEO of SnapBlooms, a flower-delivery marketplace. His 24-plus-year background in enterprise architecture and IT allows him to explore business solutions in the retail industry.

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8 Tips to Help You Manage a Busy Schedule

In a fast-paced entrepreneurial environment, it's easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down by your to-do list. However, with a little organization and some effective time management techniques, you can learn to manage a busy schedule and keep on top of your workload.

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6 Ways Florists Can Use Social Media For Business Growth

Small florists can reach more customers with these six innovative ways to use social media to grow their business.

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6 Common Financial Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Small Business

To avoid financial mistakes in your small business, you must take a few steps now to prevent it from going under. These six financial mistakes can destroy a small business before it even gets off the ground!

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10 Tips to Survive And Thrive In Business Today

Follow these ten simple pieces of advice that we've compiled just for you to succeed at starting your own business and running your own business.

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11 Things to Do Before Starting Your Own Online Florist Store

Opening a flower shop involves lots of work and dedication. Your business idea is crucial to starting your own business. To design your website or shop, you need to do your research, get some tools, and plan it out.

Starting a Business

A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Local Floral Shop

Using this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to start a local florist shop, from finding the right location to selecting inventory, hiring employees, and marketing to customers.