Do You Have Toxic Office PTSD? A dark cloud of doom seems to have followed you all the way from that cruddy job to your new desk.

By Entrepreneur Staff

entrepreneur daily

You finally got up the nerve and confidence to leave a terrible work environment behind and start fresh with a new job. Congrats! But a dark cloud of doom seems to have followed you all the way from that cruddy job to your new desk. Ugh. What's up with that? Toxic Office PTSD is a real thing. It can be harder than you think to shake off bad experiences with jerky bosses and cutthroat cultures. Micromanaging psychos or belittling coworkers can leave a lasting mark on your psyche, but give yourself a little time in your new position and those dark clouds will eventually clear. Just not too much time. We don't pay you to sit around and learn to feel good about yourself, we pay you to work! Kidding, we're kidding. Remember: work doesn't have to be crazy!

Entrepreneur Staff

Entrepreneur Staff


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