Meta Employees Interrogate Mark Zuckerberg in Town Hall Meeting The CEO fielded tough questions from rattled staffers at an all-hands meeting.

By Jonathan Small

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Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg faced thousands of anxious employees in an all-staff Town Hall meeting this morning, just two days after announcing that the company would eliminate 10,000 jobs.

According to The Washington Post, which received a transcript of the event, Zuckerberg took questions and tried to explain Meta's reorganization and restructuring plan.

One employee asked how they could trust him only four months after last November's bloodbath when Meta laid off roughly 11,000 workers, 13% of its workforce. At that time, Zuckerberg assured workers that there would be no more cuts in the "foreseeable future."

"I would guess that the way people would evaluate whether you trust me and want to work at this company is whether we are succeeding in making progress toward the overall stated goals," Zuck said. "I think a lot of this is about the results we are able to deliver."

Zuckerberg explained that the company was responding to economic pressures that could linger for a while. "But I think it's a fair question," he said.

Related: A Laid-Off Meta Employee Says She Wasn't Given Anything to Do: 'You Had to Fight to Find Work'

Concerns about remote work and company culture

Zuckerberg was also asked about the future of remote work at the company.

He answered that it could continue to be "an ongoing conversation," although he didn't rule out possible return-to-office mandates. Some major companies, such as Amazon and Disney, require employees to return to the office full-time or part-time.

Another employee asked how they were supposed to remain productive when the threat of layoffs were circling through the campus halls, according to WaPo.

Zuckerberg conceded that this was an uncertain time but added, "it's not like we can just pause working while we are figuring this out."

Jonathan Small

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP

Founder, Write About Now Media

Jonathan Small is an award-winning author, journalist, producer, and podcast host. For 25 years, he has worked as a sought-after storyteller for top media companies such as The New York Times, Hearst, Entrepreneur, and Condé Nast. He has held executive roles at Glamour, Fitness, and Entrepreneur and regularly contributes to The New York Times, TV Guide, Cosmo, Details, Maxim, and Good Housekeeping. He is the former “Jake” advice columnist for Glamour magazine and the “Guy Guru” at Cosmo.

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