The One Marketing Principle That'll Save You Thousands of Dollars and Hundreds of Hours If your marketing efforts don't produce measurable results, or at least aren't on track to, then they may be a waste of time and money.
By John Boitnott •
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Navigating the dynamic landscape of marketing as a startup founder often means encountering a barrage of trendy tactics that can obscure your focus and divert your attention from the core objective: fostering business growth and maximizing profits.
It's essential to approach marketing as a strategic investment. Whether you're allocating funds to a social media campaign or investing in a television ad slot, the underlying purpose should always be to amplify your return on investment (ROI). In essence, every marketing endeavor should be geared towards enhancing your company's profitability.
Related: 7 Key Traits of Marketing Professionals Who Deliver