Meet The Strategic Transformational Executive Who Is Making A Global Impact Charisma Glassman emerges as a beacon of innovation and leadership, driving global expansion and strategic transformations within Fortune 500 realms, rooted in her rich heritage and a relentless pursuit of excellence across technology and strategy. As she mentors future leaders while reshaping the landscape of global companies in financial services, consumer products and luxury brands industries, her story encapsulates the essence of resilience, transformative leadership and the unwavering spirit of continuous learning.

By Vaibhav Sethi

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On International Women's Month, we turn the spotlight on Charisma Glassman, a New York based Indian-American executive leader who has been recognized for her impact and influential role in driving global expansion and innovation within Fortune 500 companies as a strategic and transformation leader. With a 20-year tenure marked by dynamic leadership, Glassman has been instrumental in propelling leading brands to new heights, leveraging advanced technologies to disrupt and redefine markets. Currently serving as the Portfolio Head of Consumer Products, Luxury, and Apparel at Capgemini, a leading global management consulting firm, she and her team are at the forefront of delivering innovative and value-driven transformation strategies to international brands.

Glassman's career journey began in the fertile ground of a family-owned marketing and advertising business, where she honed her skills in crafting and presenting pitches to international clients, revealing her precocious talent and drive. Glassman's academic credentials are as impressive as her professional achievements. She is an alumna of the Harvard Business School Executive Management Program, holds a Master's in Technology Management from the New York University School of Engineering, and completing an Executive MBA at Cornell University, another prestigious Ivy League institution. Her commitment to lifelong learning and passion for innovation have positioned her as a trailblazer in her field, challenging norms and transcending barriers.

From an early age, Charisma was immersed in an environment that prized a strong work ethic and the entrepreneurial mindset. Leading the family business provided her with invaluable lessons in resilience and strategic thinking, shaping her approach to business challenges with versatility and foresight. "My family upbringing of thinking like an entrepreneur forced me to view business challenges from multiple different angles," Glassman reflects. Her early exposure to boardrooms and her role as a C-Suite advisor in launching global brands across emerging markets established her reputation as a visionary who thinks globally and acts strategically.

Inspired by industry giants like Jack Welch and Indra Nooyi, Glassman has cultivated a leadership style that is both innovative and grounded in the principles of transformative change. The combination of her family's entrepreneurial legacy, her expansive education, and her broad professional experiences has forged her into a transformational leader. Charisma Glassman is not just leading businesses through periods of significant change; she is also dedicated to mentoring the next generation of leaders, ensuring a legacy of impact and innovation that transcends her own considerable achievements.

Leadership and Innovation Amid Crisis: Steering Strategic Transformation at a Global Bank During COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, Charisma Glassman, at the helm of the consumer banking division of a prominent international bank, encountered unparalleled challenges. The pandemic threatened significant financial impacts, with potential losses amounting to tens of millions for the financial services sector. Recognizing the critical situation, Glassman was tasked to initiate a strategic pivot, launching an innovative credit extension program aimed at addressing the pressing financial difficulties of the bank's customers.

This program was not merely a temporary solution but represented a deep, strategic overhaul of the bank's operational and technological frameworks to ensure robust support for its customers in distress. Glassman's clear vision, precise goal setting, and direct confrontation of challenges were pivotal in navigating the bank through these turbulent times. Her leadership not only preserved the bank's financial health but also significantly enhanced its customer relationships amidst global uncertainty.

Glassman's commitment extended beyond financial metrics; she was driven by a profound desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the bank's customers. "I knew we had to deliver, for the good of the company, and serve with humanity our customer base," she stated, reflecting her philosophy of empathetic leadership. Within five months, her team successfully implemented the program, providing essential support to customers, retaining and attracting new business, and transforming a potential setback into a strategic opportunity for growth.

In acknowledgment of her outstanding leadership and the tangible impact of her initiatives during a critical period, Charisma Glassman and her team were awarded the CEO's Award by the international bank. This accolade recognized her as a transformational leader who not only led the bank through a crisis but also raised the bar for responsive, empathetic, and innovative business practices in response to customer needs during adversity.

A Lifelong Learner's Journey in Leadership

Charisma Glassman's journey towards excellence and broad-scale influence extends far beyond her initial successes. Her leadership philosophy, rooted in the strategic application of the 70-20-10 framework, demonstrates her commitment to holistic development. By dedicating 70% of her efforts to navigating complex leadership roles through her career, 20% to cultivating extensive networks and relationships across various industries, and the remaining 10% to ongoing formal education and skill enhancement, Glassman has methodically advanced both her own and her team's capabilities. This deliberate approach not only accelerates skill acquisition in anticipation of future challenges but also aligns her professional advancement with her personal ambitions seamlessly. Glassman's strategy underscores the vital role of continuous learning and its application in every aspect of life, showcasing how it can profoundly amplify one's adaptability and proficiency in an ever-changing global landscape.

Catalyst, Bridger, and an Architect of Organizational Transformation

Charisma Glassman embodies the essence of a Catalyst, Bridger, and an Organizational Architect, as characterized by Linda Hill, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School. Embracing these roles, Glassman has infused her leadership approach with principles drawn from Hill's extensive research on effective leadership and impactful change agents.

As a Catalyst, Glassman has been pivotal in underscoring the imperative for adaptation within the ever-changing, VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguous) business landscape. She has championed the creation and development of leaders capable of fostering sustainable growth and enhancing the organization's reputation, even when clear answers and paths forward are not immediately evident. Her visionary leadership is a cornerstone in driving her organization towards new horizons.

In her capacity as a Bridger, Glassman has excelled in creating and strengthening connections across organizational divides—between departments, teams, and external partners—all aimed at achieving superior business results and leading with influence rather than authority. Recognizing the challenges of navigating the silos inherent in large, especially flat, organizations, she has adeptly maneuvered through complex stakeholder landscapes. Through clear communication, defining common goals, and fostering collaborative success, Glassman leadership style amplifies collective success.

Furthermore, Glassman's role as an Architect transcends conventional leadership titles, embodying the strategic orchestration of the organization's structure, its processes, and technological integration in relation to the broader customer community. Her strategic acumen involves a holistic approach to organizing people, processes, and technology with a clear vision of the desired outcome, coupled with the agility to adapt to the dynamic business and technological milieu.

Through these multifaceted leadership roles, Charisma Glassman has not only propelled her organization forward but has also set a benchmark for leadership excellence, proving that effective leadership is both an art and a strategic endeavor.

Charting the Future for Women in Executive Leadership

Charisma Glassman, with her own foundation in STEM, is passionately dedicated to paving the way for women, especially women of color, in STEM fields to ascend to boardrooms and executive leadership roles. She understands that aligning the composition of leadership teams with the diversity of future consumer and stakeholder groups is not just a matter of equity but a strategic asset that can provide corporations with a competitive edge at various levels. Glassman's conviction in the power of diversity of thought to enrich decision-making and innovation is a driving force behind her commitment.

In her influential positions on the Executive Committees of both the Harvard Business School Club of New York and the Harvard Business School Women's Association, Glassman actively develops and promotes programs designed to spotlight and support female leaders. Through these platforms, she is at the forefront of fostering greater awareness and opening up new opportunities for women in leadership, showcasing her dedication to not only advocating for diversity but actively working to achieve it in the corporate world. Glassman also serves on the board of American Indian Foundation, a US based non profit started by President Clinton where she contributes towards various programs designed to drive economic empowerment of women in India, investing in the future global workforce of the biggest democracy in the world.

In Reflection: A Testament to Unyielding Resilience, Boundless Innovation, and Inspirational Leadership

Charisma Glassman's remarkable career trajectory, spanning various continents, embodies the resilience, innovation, and leadership essential for navigating the complex paths to success. Her journey illustrates that obstacles and challenges, including those as significant as the COVID-19 pandemic, are not merely hurdles but vital opportunities for growth, adaptation, and innovation. With an entrepreneurial spirit, Glassman emphasizes the necessity of extending beyond one's comfort zone to meet and surmount the myriad challenges encountered along the way.

Influenced by the wisdom of trailblazers like Indra Nooyi, Charisma adopts a philosophy that transcends the traditional view of reaching a CEO position as the ultimate career goal. Instead, she sees such milestones as invitations to continued personal and professional development. Nooyi's admonition, "Just because you are CEO, don't think you have landed. You must continually increase your learning, the way you think, and the way you approach the organization. I've never forgotten that," profoundly impacts Glassman. This perspective reflects her commitment to never becoming complacent, to persistently seeking excellence, and to embracing a journey of perpetual learning and leadership evolution.

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