Business News

He Built a Personal Finance App That Manages $8 Billion for Half a Million Customers. Here Is the CEO of M1's Hard-Earned Advice for Future Founders.

On this episode of "The CEO Series," M1 founder and CEO Brian Barnes shares how his passion for investing led to the creation of this powerful personal finance app.

Starting a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Advice About Your Business From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get free business advice during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 3/14/24 at 2 PM ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.


The CEO of Catholic Prayer and Meditation App Hallow Says Founders Need to Be Part of Something Bigger Than Themselves

On this episode of "The CEO Series," learn about the soulful journey of Hallow's CEO and founder Alex Jones.


The 4 Pros and Cons of Being a Part-Time CEO

The idea of a part-time CEO is gaining traction. But before you make the switch, here are some pros and cons to consider.

Business News

The Boss of a Takeaway Called Tesla Chicken & Pizza Loses Trademark Dispute Against Elon Musk's EV Company

"Imagine, I'm just a small businessman running one chicken shop, and there is a big company coming, which is owned by the richest man in the world."

Business News

Elon Musk Says Neuralink's First Patient Can Move a Computer Mouse 'By Just Thinking'

The neurotech firm founder made the claims in an X Spaces on Monday.

Starting a Business

How Personal Passions Fuel Business Success for the CEO of Vivid Seats

On this episode of "The CEO Series," we sit down with Stan Chia, CEO and Board Director of Vivid Seats.

Business News

Spotify CEO Daniel Ek Is Worth Billions — But Says He Still Feels 'Inadequate Every Day'

The Spotify chief made the comments on a podcast last month.

Business News

WeWork Cofounder Adam Neumann Is Reportedly Trying to Pull a Steve Jobs

WeWork, once valued at $47 billion, filed for bankruptcy last November.

Business News

Elon Musk Warns Tesla Workers They'll Be Sleeping on the Production Line to Build Its New Mass-Market EV

The Tesla CEO said on the company's Q4 earnings call that building Tesla's next-generation EV, set to enter production in 2025, will require Tesla workers to live and sleep on the manufacturing line in Texas.


Inside Potbelly's Recipe for Fast Casual Success

On this episode of "The CEO Series," we chat and chow down with Bob Wright, the Chief Executive Officer of Potbelly.

Business News

Meet the JPMorgan Executive Emerging as a Dark Horse to Succeed Jamie Dimon

Troy Rohrbaugh was named co-CEO of JPMorgan's commercial and investment bank, known as the CIB, as part of an internal executive reshuffle, the company announced last week.


The Ultimate 7-Step CEO Guide to Visionary Leadership

How can CEOs create a vision so powerful that it turns a shared dream into reality, igniting organizational transformation?

Business News

Walmart Store Managers Will Get Up to $20K in Stock Every Year, Pushing Top-Earners Over $525K in Total Compensation

"We ask our managers to own their roles and act like owners. Now, they'll literally be owners."

Business News

In a Leaked Recording, Amazon's Audible CEO Dishes on Rivalry with Spotify's New Audiobook Business. 'It's Hard to Ignore.'

"To say that that is not something that we should be paying close attention to would be business irresponsibility."