Future of Entrepreneurship

Business News

If You Want to Build the Next Patagonia, Here's What Not to Do: 'We Realized We Were Turning Everybody Off'

Fifty years in, the leaders of the lauded outdoor apparel brand have are sharing lessons in responsible business — which they say is just plain good business — for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.

Business News

The Most Important Shift Hybrid Workforces Need to Thrive Is the One Most Are Ignoring

Successful hybrid work is not just about being in the office half the week.

Business News

Should You Hire An AI Consultant? Here's When It's the Right Move, and When It's Not.

No one wants to get left behind, and there's a growing industry of AI consultants who want to help. But is it worth the investment?

Business News

How Many Employees Should Be Working In Your Store? The Answer Might Be Zero — Here's How One Company Does It.

Autonomous businesses like Amazon Go and Bodega had lackluster or downright negative receptions. But a ping-pong club called PingPod seems to have cracked the formula.

Business News

Visionary Execs at Whole Foods, Slack, Google, Amazon and More Share Their 2024 Predictions

Leaders at some of the world's most forward-thinking companies on how you should be thinking about marketing, fundraising, work culture, responsible AI, sustainability and more.

Business News

Entrepreneurs Are Rushing to Use AI. Here Are 8 Questions You Should Ask First.

Generative AI has overtaken the business world at breathtaking speed, and it can be overwhelming to know how to start integrating it into your work. These tech experts have answers.

Business News

It's Never Too Late to Invest in PR — But It Still Needs to Be Done at the Right Time. Here's How to Know You're Ready.

You don't need a PR strategy right when you launch your business in order to be successful, but you do need to know when it's time to start. Here are three ways you can tell you're ready to invest in it.

Business News

The Future of Work: 4 Ways Companies Can Evolve to Usher in the Future of the Workplace

We're entering a new era of the workplace, and companies will need to evolve accordingly to keep employees engaged and drive productivity across the entire organization.

Business News

How the Potential Railroad Strike Points to a New Era of Employee Empowerment

As companies look to the future, navigating the employee experience era may mean overhauling everything from basic benefits to the board of directors. But the businesses that thrive will honor the leverage employees have and focus first on their needs.

Business News

Reporters Often Come Around to Pitches — But Only If You Stay Top of Mind. Here's How to Do It.

Sometimes even the best media pitches fail due to poor timing. Here's what you can do when this happens to you.

Business News

11 Ways to Celebrate National Entrepreneurship Month

Our society has relied on the concept of entrepreneurship for thousands of years, bringing innovations to the world and building economies. The entrepreneurial spirit has become a key component of...

Business News

Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Brag When Pitching Investors

I've sat through countless pitch decks over the years, and too many founders focus on their idea rather than their execution. Humility isn't going to get you funded, so here's how to advertise your accomplishments to investors the right way.

Business News

How to Lead With Resilience, Empathy and Vision Despite an Uncertain Future

Through all the change and pain of the last few years — and the ones to come — leaders must work hard to be resilient for their people. Here's how.

Business News

The Metaverse Is the Future of Business. Here's How to Plan for It.

Businesses will soon need professionals whose job is to create a presence and potentially build with Web3 technologies and concepts in the metaverse — and there's plenty that businesses can do now to prepare for that.

Business News

Women Are Leaving Corporate America for Entrepreneurship. Here's How to Support Them.

The workplace was designed for men, and the last several years have only reinforced that notion. That's why women are leaving corporate America and opting to be their own boss — and why it's important for allies to educate themselves on the reasons why.