Mike Szczesny

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Owner and vice president of EDCO Awards & Specialties

Mike Szczesny is the owner and vice president of EDCO Awards & Specialties, a dedicated supplier of employee recognition products, a unique award plaque and recognition gifts, branded merchandise and athletic awards.

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¿Cómo asegurarte de que tu negocio sobreviva a cualquier cosa? Con estas 3 estrategias comprobadas

No importa cuán incierto sea el panorama económico, puedes sobrevivir a cualquier cosa siempre y cuando te prepares. He aquí algunas estrategias a considerar.

Starting a Business

How Can You Make Sure Your Business Will Survive Anything? Try These 3 Proven Strategies

No matter how uncertain the economy is, you can survive anything as long as you prepare. Here are a few strategies to consider.

Data & Recovery

Data Privacy Matters to Your Customers — Show Them It's a Priority For You, Too. Here's How.

Your business can help reassure customers and earn their loyalty by treating all incoming data as valuable.

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