Operations & Logistics

Keep your finger on the pulse of all things operations and logistics, from public relations strategies to cash flow tips and more, to maximize your business's success.

Business Plans

Outsource or DIY? 6 Signs It's Time for Virtual Assistance for Your Business

When you start feeling overwhelmed and can't focus on strategic work, it's time to outsource non-core tasks to virtual assistants.

Starting a Business

This Founder's Smart Sunglasses Retail for $849 — and He Crowdfunded More Than $300,000. Here's How He Came Up With the Idea That Could Revolutionize Eyewear.

'Entrepreneur' spoke with Deep Optics CEO and founder Yariv Haddad, who shared some exclusives about the startup's journey so far, plus its growth and expansion strategies.

Growing a Business

How Tech Companies Can Harness the Power of Non-Verbal Communication for Enhanced Efficiency

Soft communication is more important for modern businesses than ever before. Here's why.

More Posts on Operations & Logistics

Growing a Business

How This California Hot Spot Grew From Delivery-Only to Pop-Up Shop to Storefront

Learn how Miguel's Artisan Recipes uses customer feedback and community opportunities to dish out crowd-favorite cuisine.


The Miley Cyrus Approach To Marketing — Why It's a Radically Different Method For Achieving Brand Impact

In case you missed it, Miley Cyrus recently won her first Grammy. In her acceptance speech, she told a story that is a great learning lesson for business owners and marketers alike, especially those who find themselves burned out and exhausted in this current environment.

Growing a Business

How to Transition to Different Industry Sectors in Your Client Base

Most entrepreneurs start out with a limited customer base in mind, a particular slice of a specific market. But if and when you feel ready to expand your reach to a wider audience, should you? Can you? Here, a business owner in the midst of transition shares insights on sector expansion.

Growing a Business

Let's Bring Back the Human Element to Paying Bills — Here's 3 Ways to Nurture Vendor Relationships for Business Success

In a small business's accounts payable process, the human touch is essential. Building trust through personal interactions with vendors is key, guaranteeing a dependable supply chain and effective collaboration. How can businesses improve these connections? Here are three approaches for improvement.

Science & Technology

AI May Not Take Your Job, But Someone Using AI Likely Will — Here's Why.

Artificial intelligence is becoming ubiquitous across marketing and public relations agencies. These tools can increase productivity, but there are risks to consider.

Growing a Business

The Owners of This Texas Farmers Market Took a Big Gamble. Here's How It Paid Off Bigger Than They Dreamed.

A Texas farmers market educates customers about the importance of shopping local for a healthy lifestyle and an even healthier small business community.

Science & Technology

4 Reasons Why Your Customer Service Is About to Get a Whole Lot Better in 2024

As the technology powering AI customer support jumps to the next level, the quality of service will greatly improve.


How to Make PR Campaigns Customer-Focused Instead of Company-Focused

The 21st century has seen a shift away from the company that's "selling" and toward the consumer that's "buying." Business practices, like PR campaigns, have had to transition in kind to stay relevant in the current culture and to resonate with the public.

Operations & Logistics

Why Blockchain Technology Hasn't Dominated the Supply Chain... Yet

Blockchain was believed to have transformative potential in supply chains, but surprisingly, this potential remains untapped years later. Uncover why..

Growing a Business

How the Happiest Cafe in Virginia Beach Fosters Charm and Community

This family-run business grew from a small coffeehouse into a staple Virginia Beach destination.


5 PR Tips Any Company Can Use to Get Media Coverage

You went into business to make an impact — here's how to get visibility for your work, so you can benefit more people.