Leadership - Page 9

Leaders innovate, manage and build. Stay up to date on the latest and greatest in leadership skills, strategies and news here.


5 Vital Lessons I Learned By Taking a Mini Break From the Entrepreneurship Grind

Like you, I have big goals for my company and know that getting lost in the minutiae won't get me there. Taking time away for personal and professional development ensures that you remember to look up.

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The Ultimate 7-Step CEO Guide to Visionary Leadership

How can CEOs create a vision so powerful that it turns a shared dream into reality, igniting organizational transformation?

Growing a Business

How Chef JJ Started a Rice Bowl Revolution in Harlem

Chef JJ Johnson's global portfolio of rice bowls brought clean eating to a working-class community that has traditionally lacked access to healthy, fast-casual restaurants.


Why You Need to Embrace Uncertainty as an Entrepreneurial Leader (and How to Navigate It Effectively)

Leaders can unlock transformative growth by embracing uncertainty. Here's how.


Why Hope is the Overlooked Leadership Trait that Makes Organizations Thrive

Being a hopeful leader and moving forward with a clear vision can make your team's and company's future better and give you some ideas on how to do it.

Starting a Business

A Former McKinsey Consultant Used This Not-So-'Sexy' Mindset to Take Her 'Healthy Indulgence' Snack Brand From Her Kitchen to 4,000 Retailers

Sabeena Ladha, founder and CEO of DEUX, drew on her childhood love of sweets and experience in the food space to create a different kind of snack company.

Thought Leaders

Starting a Business Is Impossible Without One Thing — and It's Not Cash

The importance of social capital, especially for startups, is more than just a cliche.

Thought Leaders

There Is No Place for a Cult Mentality in Startups — Here's How to Detect and Avoid This Type of Workplace

Many startups seem to foster a cult mentality, often towards the founders. Business cultures like this are frightening, unnecessary, unhealthy and counter-productive.


Several Leaders Got Themselves in Trouble for Communication Blunders Last Year — Here's How You Can Avoid Becoming One of Them.

From relying too heavily on AI to not expecting the unexpected, here's how to communicate effectively as a leader in the year ahead — and avoid needless controversy in the process.

Side Hustle

These Sisters Started a Side Hustle After a 'Light Bulb' Moment Standing in Line for Coffee — Now Their Business Has Done $100 Million in Total Sales

Elise Whang's and Emily Erkel's respective careers in law and retail strategy consulting provided crucial skills for establishing and growing LePrix, an innovative platform for luxury resale.


How to Revolutionize Your Business With a Customer-Centric Model

Embed true customer-centricity into your business's DNA with these seven strategies.


Why You Shouldn't Wait Have the Hard Conversations With Your Employees

Telling an employee they are not meeting expectations can be daunting, but doing it early heads off bigger problems down the track.