Ryan Wong

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO of Visier

Ryan Wong is CEO of Visier, an engineer turned exec and a fan of data-backed decisions on a mission to take the guesswork out of business.

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Recursos Humanos

La IA está modificando las habilidades laborales que se requieren. Esto es lo que qué debes hacer para prepararte

A medida que los puestos laborales evolucionan y desaparecen más rápido que nunca, las empresas que se centran en las habilidades tendrán una ventaja.


AI Is Changing the Way We Look at Job Skills — Here's What You Need to Do to Prepare.

As workplace roles evolve and disappear faster than ever, companies that focus on skills will have an advantage.


Los trabajadores jóvenes ya no quieren ser gerentes y este estudio nos revela la razón

La persona promedio ya no tiene interés en convertirse en gerente, y la falta de candidatos está poniendo a las empresas en riesgo.


Young Workers Don't Want to Become Managers — and This Study Uncovers the Reason Why.

The average person has no interest in becoming a manager anymore, and the missing middle is putting companies at risk.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

High Performers Are 400% More Productive Than Average Employees. Keeping Them Takes More Than Money.

The competition for top talent shows no signs of easing, which means the companies that nurture and retain their best performers will come out ahead.

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